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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus Horoscope

Sat, 11th May 2024
by Oscar Cainer

Your Weekly Horoscope: "Don't think love has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired." Mother Teresa wasn't referring to affairs of the heart. She was talking about the expansive love we feel for our fellow humans and our planet. With Venus, your ruler, in your sign, your compassionate nature is being enhanced. By demonstrating attributes like kindness and consideration you'll draw those qualities into your life. You're being gifted with the creativity to use them to heal yourself, and others. Do that, and it will be a good week.

Now, you should read your 'Guide to the Future'. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 'Guide to the Future' here.

Your Taurus forecast for 2024 and Taurus Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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New Moon in Taurus

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Taurus -

Taurus - Your May Monthly Horoscope: Magic is a mysterious quality. It thrives in a climate of inspiration and freedom. If there's too much logic around it recedes into the background. It doesn't like rules or explanations. So, to make the most of this month's cosmic climate, with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in your sign, your task is to welcome laughter and joy into your world. You don't need to force any issues. Or allow yourself to be overwhelmed by any negative emotions. Instead, if you trust that magic is hidden within any turbulence or challenge, May will be amazing.

Taurus - Yesterday's Forecast:
Artists are magicians. They conjure beauty, mystery, and magic out of thin air. They start with an intangible idea, and gradually it grows into something tangible. The problem is that it's all too easy to take this process and apply it to our concerns. When our imagination leaps into action, tiny problems can become overwhelming. We get anxious rather than inspired. With your ruler, Venus, in your sign, linking to imaginative Neptune, your creative powers are being super-charged. Make sure you channel them into something positive.

A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you've been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what's really possible... and when... and how. Download yours now!

Taurus - Thu May 09, 2024:
Although we're all conscious about rising prices and saving money, there's a balance to be found. If we're not careful, we can end up making false economies and buying things that don't work/last. And we all deserve to treat ourselves sometimes. It doesn't have to be expensive; even a small indulgence can make us feel good. You're entitled to a bit of luxury. You've underestimated your value to other people. It might not sound serious, but it's affecting your sense of self-worth. The cosmos brings a gift today. Enjoy.

Taurus - Wed May 08, 2024:
Young people are interested in infinity and eternity. But (unless they're teenage Einsteins) it soon becomes clear that human minds can't comprehend these concepts. So they turn their attention to more tangible pursuits. Then, before they know it, they're adults; and life obliges them to think of pragmatic things like paying the bills. It's much easier to focus on practicalities than paradoxes. If you've been struggling to understand something, the New Moon brings the willpower to keep trying. A life-changing idea is possible.

Now, you should read your 'Guide to the Future'. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 'Guide to the Future' here.

Taurus - Tue May 07, 2024:
Doing your best is more than good enough. But you need to keep on doing it. If you only do it once, it's like having breakfast and thinking it will sustain you for days. You might have over-indulged, but you still need to consume something before bedtime. Life involves repeating processes over and over again. Once isn't enough. That's why we need to be disciplined and create healthy routines. You might think you've done everything you need to sort a situation out. But if you do more, you'll establish an ongoing pattern that works.

Taurus - Mon May 06, 2024:
You might not realise it, but you've got reasons to celebrate. Not only have you accomplished a lot, you're about to achieve lots more. So don't, whatever you do, dismiss an opportunity as 'unrealistic'. Or ignore something that looks 'too good to be true'. Recognise it. Seize it. And give thanks for its arrival in your world. Then, look for another. With Venus, your ruler, in your sign, the only person capable of stopping you benefitting from good fortune right now is... you! So believe in your entitlement to success. You deserve this.

"Phenomenal! Excellent!", "I love that Daisy has been added. Please keep her!", "Breathtaking - I cannot thank her - and you - enough.", "It makes complete sense." What, or who, are they talking about? Find out...

Taurus - Sun May 05, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Lots of single people wish they weren't single. And lots of people in relationships wish they were single again. Why do we often wish for what we haven't got?! And if, for some reason, we're unable to have it, we can end up resenting things in our world that are good for us. No matter your relationship status right now, you feel like you're being stopped from expressing yourself. This week's New Moon, which takes place in your sign, rekindles your sense of autonomy. You can redress a power imbalance so that it works for you.

Taurus: - Sat May 04, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: You're worried that an arrangement which has gone wrong on previous occasions is going to go wrong again. Why can't things run smoothly? Actually, they can! Just because a machine develops an occasional fault doesn't mean the fault will manifest at an inopportune moment; most of the time, it will work perfectly. Yet when a situation has emotional implications it's easy to forget that 'sometimes' doesn't equal 'always'. The New Moon shines positivity into your relationship world. This event will work out in a way that delights you.

PS, your full personal horoscope reveals amazing secrets about your inner potential and shows you your future in stunningly accurate detail. Be wise. Order it now! Click here!

Taurus - Fri May 03, 2024:
So, how's life going to change now that Venus, your ruler, is in your sign? Are you hoping to fall in love? Or for someone to fall in love with you? Do you want to make new friends? Experience an upturn in your finances? How about discovering a creative outlet that brings pleasure and satisfaction? It's unlikely all these will happen this weekend! But, if you find yourself in a situation you don't want to be in, you've got the power to change it. Listen to your heart. It will lead you in the best direction. The possibilities are exciting.

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