When you've finished reading this, you'll find a feedback form. It asks you to summarise your forecast in a few words. A panel of experts will then ascertain your ability to understand the advice it contains. Right. So, here is your message: 'No one but you, has the right to question your understanding of the situation you're dealing with. Your emotional response is entirely appropriate. Don't allow anyone stop you from doing what you need to do to make this Christmas special. You deserve it.' (I'm pretty sure you've understood that!).
Your 2025 Guide to the Future is full of help and direction through every major and minor astrological event in the coming year and how they affect you (and you alone). Download yours here, now with 50% OFF and a FREE 'Personal Profile' Birth Chart token that can even be given to a friend or loved one and makes a perfect gift!
Aquarius - Your Weekly Horoscope: When things are going well, our mood is good and everything is as it 'should' be. We don't question ourselves about what we're meant to be doing with our lives. It's when things aren't going according to plan that we feel negative, and doubts and misgivings flood into our minds. But sometimes it can be right to feel wrong, good to feel bad, and appropriate to feel that something is inappropriate. This week's challenges are leading you towards an enlightened moment that changes the course of your future, in a positive way.
Aquarius - Your December Monthly Horoscope: Ring the bells, wave the flags, Venus is entering Aquarius where it stays until the start of 2025. It's perfect timing for the season of goodwill. With your popularity on the rise, expect your social calendar to be busier than usual. People will happily go out of their way to fulfil your wishes. So, you don't need advice about how to make December great. You just need to remember to be diplomatic and tactful. If you're gentle with the more sensitive souls around you, relationships will deepen in ways that bring support and delight.
Aquarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
It's impossible not to pick up on the vibes. Christmas cheesy songs on the radio. Roads filled with traffic as we head out to the shops to stock up. Trees brightly glowing through people's windows. Too much work to do to get things sorted in time. The annual festive madness is here. Luckily, you're in touch with reality and have remembered the true values of the season. In the run-up to the Solstice your clear-headed thinking enables you to see what someone needs, and help them. That's the true spirit of Christmas for you!
It will soon be the Solstice and as the rising sun 'changes direction' and begins to retrace its steps along the horizon, we are all at a turning point. For this special time, we're giving you the gift of a huge 50% OFF all of our Birth Charts. Plus a FREE 'Personal Profile' Birth Chart token that can even be given to a friend or loved one and makes a perfect gift!
Aquarius - Tue Dec 17, 2024:
You're trying to sort out a difficult-to-resolve material problem. An expectation hasn't been fulfilled, and you feel like someone's taken advantage of your generosity. It's making you feel less confident about your position in a situation that means a lot to you. It's not like you to feel insecure, which is why you're so discombobulated. Today brings a reassuring development. You're about to gain insight into someone's emotional state. It will help you understand what's happening. And that will bring your confidence back.
Aquarius - Mon Dec 16, 2024:
You're a revolutionary Aquarian. And, in the build-up to the festive season, your inner-rebel is making its voice heard. You're ready to leap into action and do things differently. But your ideas aren't being met with enthusiasm. Christmas is, of course, choc-a-bloc with tradition. And your ideas seem to be disrupting the status quo. Luckily, help is at hand. As we move towards the Solstice, and the Sun's arrival in earthy Capricorn, you'll find it easier to conform to the 'norm'. For now, try to be patient. Especially with yourself.
Your 2025 Guide to the Future is full of help and direction through every major and minor astrological event in the coming year and how they affect you (and you alone). Download yours here, now with 50% OFF and a FREE 'Personal Profile' Birth Chart token that can even be given to a friend or loved one and makes a perfect gift!
Aquarius - Sun Dec 15, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: It's impossible to imagine how you could put any more of your time and energy into the issue you're dealing with. Which is why it's time to reassess. Could you be going too far? Doing too much? Paradoxically, in your effort to speed something up, could you be inadvertently slowing it down? Or, could you be aiming for the right destination, but be taking a ridiculously convoluted route to get there? This week, as Mercury (intellect) turns direct, it brings the clarity to see how, with a change of attitude, everything can start to flow.
Aquarius - Sat Dec 14, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: When things are going well, our mood is good and everything is as it 'should' be. We don't question ourselves about what we're meant to be doing with our lives. It's when things aren't going according to plan that we feel negative, and doubts and misgivings flood into our minds. But sometimes it can be right to feel wrong, good to feel bad, and appropriate to feel that something is inappropriate. This week's challenges are leading you towards an enlightened moment that changes the course of your future, in a positive way.
Solstice time is a hugely auspicious time: when the Sun 'stands still' before it embarks on its return journey across the sky. If you are seeking change, this is the perfect time to make it happen. Download your Birth Charts here, now with 50% OFF and a FREE 'Personal Profile' Birth Chart token that can even be gifted to a friend or loved one.
Aquarius - Fri Dec 13, 2024:
What's the difference between a life of contentment and a life of resentment? It's not (by the way) a simple case of wealth. Often, it's down to a state of mind. Obviously, our circumstances have an impact. But opportunities always exist. They might not be obvious, but they're there. This Full Moon weekend brings a chance to raise your happiness quotient. All you've got to do is believe in your right to feel good. And know that you've got everything you need to attain everything you need. Give yourself this gift. You deserve it.
Aquarius: - Thu Dec 12, 2024:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's impossible for you to have everything you want. But, to put this intel into context, neither can anyone else! Fortunately, you can't have everything you don't want either. That's similarly impossible. No matter how hard done by we might feel, there will always be aspects of our world which we can savour and enjoy. We all have gifts that can't be taken away from us. And assets for which we should be grateful. What stops us from recognising these? Wanting things we can't have!
It will soon be the Solstice and as the rising sun 'changes direction' and begins to retrace its steps along the horizon, we are all at a turning point. For this special time, we're giving you the gift of a huge 50% OFF all of our Birth Charts. Plus a FREE 'Personal Profile' Birth Chart token that can even be given to a friend or loved one and makes a perfect gift!
Aquarius - Wed Dec 11, 2024:
You could do with a break from all the hustle and bustle. Rather than responding to people's demands, you need some time doing what you want to do. What are the chances of that happening today? Hmmm... slim! Yet despite the approaching festivities and the extra pressures, one particular load is about to lighten. Then, you'll have less to worry about. And less to be fearful of. It goes without saying that you can, of course, keep carrying the burden of anxiety and responsibility. But it's not going to be necessary. Choose well!