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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Daily Sagittarius Horoscope

Monday, 11 July 2022

Let's take a look at your resources and options. Let's think about the projects you've been involved with, and how successful they've been. In some areas of your world, you're doing what you've always done. Why not? Experience shows you that it works well enough - and sticking with what you know saves you from implementing new strategies that might be doomed to fail. But suppose there were a new methodology that would lead to a greater success rate? The approaching Supermoon brings an idea. Seize it! But wait, there's more to you than your sun-sign reading. You should read your personal horoscope report. Inside you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about your personality and what's in store for you in the future. You can download a personal horoscope chart here

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Your Weekly Horoscope: I love the saying 'diagnosis is half the cure'. It's not just a medical expression; it works in all aspects of our lives. When we understand why we feel like we feel, and have insight into our problems and challenges, we can take steps to implement change and make things better. But the evaluation needs to be thoughtful and accurate. It's not going to be much help if you don't give yourself the right treatment. This week will shed helpful light on the true nature of an old problem. Potentially, that represents the most wonderful news for you.

Your July Monthly Horoscope: No one likes the feeling that they're not being taken seriously. Yet seriousness isn't a prerequisite for success. And just because you love having fun doesn't mean you don't work hard. As Jupiter and Saturn's tense relationship peaks in July, there might be moments when your sense of humour has gone on holiday. But you can still find joy. This month's challenge involves communicating the validity of your ideas in a playful way. If you succeed, you'll become not just a force to be reckoned with, but an example to follow.

Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Few genres of film are as popular as the rom-com. In real life, our stories rarely reflect the highs and lows of the silver screen. And, when the mundanity of the daily slog overwhelms us, it's hard to imagine romantic excitement or the thrill of a tantalising encounter. When the build up to the Supermoon has passed by midweek, you can count on the cosmos offering you a chance to rediscover some of the fire and spark you've been missing. Don't expect the bright lights of Hollywood! This is subtle opportunity that will become what you make of it. But, wait a moment, just what is the Cainer Horoscopes 5 Star Service? Take a free trial and find out!

You haven't got a 'problem'. You have an incredible opportunity. I explain more in your audio forecast. Take a free trial of the 5 Star Service immediately when you click here.

Sat Jul 09, 2022

Your Weekly Horoscope: I love the saying 'diagnosis is half the cure'. It's not just a medical expression; it works in all aspects of our lives. When we understand why we feel like we feel, and have insight into our problems and challenges, we can take steps to implement change and make things better. But the evaluation needs to be thoughtful and accurate. It's not going to be much help if you don't give yourself the right treatment. This week will shed helpful light on the true nature of an old problem. Potentially, that represents the most wonderful news for you.

And one last thing, if you haven't yet had a full personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you've been missing out. Change your future... click here!

Fri Jul 08, 2022

However rational we might imagine ourselves to be, we're driven by primal, unconscious desires. They aren't posh, they aren't polite, and they aren't particularly pretty. They couldn't care less about societal norms - or our attempts to adhere to them. They're determined to drive us to fulfil their desires. This weekend, take advantage of your ruler Jupiter's links to Mercury and Venus. Think about your biggest dreams and acknowledge them. If you start to pursue them, you can take very tangible steps towards achieving them. Oh, by the way, your full birth chart, calculated from your date of birth will tell you far more about what's in store and how to make it work for you. Click here!

Thu Jul 07, 2022

It should come as no surprise that anyone born under the sign of the archer has a strong arm, a keen eye, and a true aim. A centaur; half human, half horse, always carrying a bow and arrow, you can move at speed and still hit your target. But you don't need to be galloping in order to be at your best. When your hooves are firmly planted they give you a stability that strengthens your aim. If you slow down, and take time to focus today, not only will you be able to identify a new goal, you'll be able to hit it with stunning accuracy. But wait, there's more to you than your sun-sign reading. You should read your personal horoscope report. Inside you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about your personality and what's in store for you in the future. You can download a personal horoscope chart here

Wed Jul 06, 2022

In a dream-come-true world, you'd like me to tell you that your current plan's going to be successful. You'd appreciate some assurance in regard to an issue that involves taking a leap forwards. Should I give you what you want and tell you that it's going to be much easier than you think? That wouldn't be honest. I can't, hand on heart, guarantee that. But I can confidently tell you that you're going to greatly benefit from this experience. And you've got the skills you need to be able to deal with any challenges. Be realistic today. Once you have had your chart cast, you can then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be in the next twelve months.

A timeless and extraordinary interpretation of the mystical I-Ching. Consult the mystical oracle of the i-ching with Jonathan and get a profound answer to a pressing question.

Tue Jul 05, 2022

Few things in life are predetermined. We have free will. But, some of our most rewarding moments stem from a lack of choice. It's impossible to make a fully conscious decision unless we're fully aware of our options. And often, we're not! We lack knowledge and inspiration. And events force us to head in a particular direction. Although this might cause resentment at the time, we often discover, later down the line, that it was the right thing. Just because you didn't choose to be where you are doesn't mean it's not perfect. The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

Mon Jul 04, 2022

Imagine a police officer having a nightmare. They're in the interrogation room... but they're on the wrong side of the table. A colleague is telling them that they're under arrest. It's scary. Yet in real life, they're a law-enforcer, not a law-breaker. We find it easy to doubt ourselves and underestimate our power. You're not much of a worrier, but you've been tossing and turning over a problem that doesn't concern you. You don't have to explain your actions to anyone. Keep your own counsel, and this situation will fade like a dream. But, wait a moment, just what is the Cainer Horoscopes 5 Star Service? Take a free trial and find out!

Sun Jul 03, 2022

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: In these materialistic times, you'd have to be a Zen master to reach a state of not coveting possessions. Most of us want something we can't have... but such yearnings lead straight to the road to disappointment. It would be so much better, especially when we're all under financial pressure, if we could 'want what we have'. This week, as Mercury and Mars change signs, not only does your optimistic attitude enable you to focus on what's good in your life, but you can share your intangible riches and natural gifts with someone special. Want to know more about what your future holds? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!

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