Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts


Sign of The Twins

There are two distinct aspects to your personality which makes it fitting that you are linked with the traditional symbol of the Twins. On the one hand you can be deeply reflective and analytical, on the other, energetically communicative. Perhaps the greatest advantage this gives you is the constant ability to see two sides to every story.

What makes an Gemini tick?
Geminis are often described as childlike. It's true that they have an enthusiastic hunger for information and a bubbly style of expression but this shouldn't be mistaken for innocence or simplicity. More complex or thoughtful people would be hard to find. The twins are an apt symbol for this sign, for sometimes, it really does seem as if there are two separate personalities, battling it out inside their head! This explains the Geminian versatility - and also the Geminian fondness for asking questions and analysing events. They have awe-inspiring natural curiosity - and a positive, flexible, open minded approach to life. Their ruling planet is Mercury

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