Sign of the Centaur
The traditional image for
Sagittarius is a complex one. It involves a half-human, half horse,
clutching a bow and arrow, aiming keenly at a distant target. It is
probably from the part of you which is half horse that you get your
great stamina and desire for freedom. The bow and arrow represent your
insight. It is sharp, piercing and rarely off target.
What makes a Sagittarian
Sagittarians aren't interested in being
'understood'. Most of them are far too busy for introversion. They are
easy to please if you've got a dragon to slay or a mountain that needs
climbing - but they aren't too fond of the quiet life. When bored, they
tend to invent challenges. What they lack in caution, tact and reserve,
Saggitarians make up for in enthusiasm, honesty and bouyancy. They take
their luck for granted and push it to the limit. Annoyingly, they get
away with it. There will always be 'close scrapes' and 'near misses' but
things have this uncanny way of working out alright in the end for
Sagittarians. Their ruling planet is Jupiter.