5 Star
Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Cainer Horoscopes

Tarot Card Readings
I Ching Readings
Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

gemini Zodiac Sign

Gemini Eclipse Horoscope

6th May 2023

Jemima writes: Why bother wasting time expressing yourself when there's no guarantee that a relationship will last for a lifetime? Actually, just because there might not be a daily award for showing up with passion or dedication doesn't make giving your 'all' any less worth doing. You have much more to offer than you may be currently offering. The Lone Star Eclipse, and the Trail of Fire which it sparks in your world, bring a different kind of value into all your relationships. You're being empowered with the courage to move on from situations that require you to hold back your creativity, or that prevent you from shining. Once you start honouring your own needs and expressing them, you'll find that people who appreciate you for being you (quirks and all) are just waiting to find you.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is a chance to align your heart and soul with the love that you deserve. Trust in the process, and let the river of life carry you towards new horizons. Download your unique personal horoscope chart with 50% off... and receive a free personal profile, plus three free Tarot and I Ching readings.

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