Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts
Only £6.95 (approx. US$9.75) - Your Future Revealed  - Online Edition

Your Thoughts on Iraq
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On Friday 7th March, the Thought for the Day published the following: an email criticising Jon's stance on the proposed war with Iraq, and his reply with an accompanying cartoon. This provoked a huge response from readers with over a 1,000 emails received to date. Below is a 'snapshot' of some the emails received.

Hi Jonathan,
I need to express my concern and sadness at the rifled Statue of Liberty that you recently used on your site. You have gone too far! I fail to see how defacing a nation's symbol can foster peace and understanding I have also noticed that there were no British symbols so attired, strange given the kinship between Mr. Blair and Mr. Bush.
  A Concerned Canadian

Dear John,
Thank you for supporting anti-war movement this time. I still remember your story about bad neighbour Slobo and nice policeman coming to the neighbourhood to solve the problem. Well this policeman has left awfully lots of depleted uranium in the neighbourhood :( I agree Saddam is a dictator and has to go, but humanity should be mature enough to solve its problems without waving big sticks and chest-drumming. I don't even touch the topic that the same very dictator in Pakistan is a good friend of George W :/ Anyway, just wanted to support you in your antiwar message.

Hi Jonathan,
Thumbs up to Sally on the political cartoon for today. I love it! It couldn�t be more appropriate for the Thought for the Day column. I also find it particularly amusing that an American is willing to die for their country when they are uneducated or misinformed as to why Bush wants to initiate war on Iraq. As a Texas American I oppose the war efforts by our President and believe violence begets violence. The destructive act of killing does NOT solve problems, but creates more problems. To go to war is easy; to find the creative solution is the true challenge. I say �hats off� to your antiwar efforts. Three cheers for Jonathan.
  Sincerely, D.C.

Dear Jonathan,
A blindfolded Statue of Liberty holding a machine gun? Come on. Does the entire UK believe as your prime minister believes? All Americans don't support this possible war with Iraq. Please don't belittle us all for what an un-elected official is putting us through. Unless you want to be held accountable for the actions of your politicians. Not to mention the "live in your trousers forever" Prince.

Dear Jonathan,
In response to Ms. Joyce's thoughts. One of my favourite stories recently is about a Native American grandfather talking to his young grandson. He tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with each other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The other wolf is fear, greed and hatred. "Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy. "Whichever one I feed," is the reply.
  Best Regards R.R.

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All contents copyright 1994-2002. World rights reserved. Artwork by Sally Fisher.