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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Pluto's Aquarian Era

by Jemima Cainer
Thu, 14th Nov

Pluto's Aquarian Era

Pluto into Aquarius

..into Revolutionary Aquarius.

From the 19th of November 2024, Pluto, the planet of Power, control and Transformation, moves into the sign of Aquarius where it remains until March 2043.

Aquarius is the sign which represents freedom, the collective consciousness and liberation through sharing truth. Aquarian energy is rational and calls for humanitarian kindness. Pluto represents transformation, power, destruction, and rebirth. It's the planet of deep change, shedding light on hidden truths and promoting evolution. Pluto has a reputation for prompting changes which sometimes feel quite painful. Along with Mars, it is a planet associated with War.

Change though, as anybody who has ever grown up, parented, or faced any transformative event, knows, is not supposed to be comfortable. That doesn't necessarily make it something to fear.

The Patriarchy

If Capricorn represents the Patriarchy, Pluto's move from this sign into liberal-minded and fairness focussed Aquarius, traditionally symbolised by a woman pouring out the waters of truth, is a powerful omen for change to the history of societal status quo. If LGBTQIA+ was assigned a sign it might well be argued to fit in with Aquarius. This is the sign ruled by Uranus, the planet of Revolution, rebellion and most importantly, freedom. Uranus's transit through Taurus has shaken up our idea of gender and sexuality and challenged the traditional frameworks which have been so entrenched in our culture.

Aquarius is definitively quirky and queer. There is a contrariness to the way planets behave when they move through this sign. They spot the 'norm' a mile off and resolutely refuse to conform, unless of course, rebelling is what is expected of them! Aquarius is the sign of innovation. It rules technology, social reform, and group dynamics. Naturally then, movements which seem to have power behind them and gather momentum threaten 'the traditional order', and sometimes suffer significant pushback.

Looking Back to move forwards

The last time Pluto went through Aquarius was 245 years ago - at the end of the 18th century. What happened during this time was not necessarily obvious - there were big events such as the French Revolution but the way Pluto works is in the shadows - by exposing the truth and demanding transformation of what is decaying.

When we look at some of the ideas which were born from this period of history things get interesting.


In 1787 the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade was formed. In 1789 the French Revolution began. In 1793 a slave rebellion broke out in Haiti and many more followed across the colonised world. It was also in this period that Thomas Paine published his essays "The Rights of Man" And "The Age of Reason". These, among other works, really sparked off the idea of "The Indefinite Perfectibility of Man", which is one of the concepts that underpinned the age of the Enlightenment.

Although women were at this time still generally considered as less than whole people, the debate on Women's rights began and there were even some men (such as the Marquis de Condorcet) advocating for women's equality and for equality for all races.

Prison Reform

This period of history also saw the call for Prison Reform and the earliest beginnings of the idea which moved from punishment towards rehabilitation. In 1790 burning women at the stake for treason was also abolished in England after the last official burning of a woman at the stake in 1789 (A Catherine Murphy for the offence of coining).

We have come a long way in the last couple of hundred years but there still remains an enormous and grotesque level of injustice and inequality in the world. Pluto's passage through Aquarius might be seen as a bold stand against inhumanity.

From Earth to Air

This transit marks a major shift from Pluto's long stay in Capricorn, where it influenced traditional power structures, hierarchy, and authority. Moving into Aquarius, Pluto is poised to reshape society's views and the way we think about everything. The focus of the next 19 years will be on freedom, technology and reshaping how we view our collective responsibility. Capitalism and oppressive regimes gain power by isolating people from one another. These systems rely on separating individuals by what makes them different and pitting us against each other to fight over resources, land and freedom. We are conditioned to believe that Success means having something that others do not. To think of winners and losers being natural consequences of the world we live in. But Air sign Aquarius sees the bigger picture and asks us to rise to the challenge of reshaping the world into a fairer and more free place for everybody.


Whatever sign Pluto enters will find the areas which are ruled by that sign going through some period of transformation. In Aquarius, changes in the way society approaches social structures and deals with new technology will be brought into focus. Life sometimes seems to replicate an episode of Black Mirror and there will be moments in the next couple of decades when the similarities are eerie. But it is how we choose to respond to these that matters. Pluto works in the shadows of the world and as part of its rulership, it has a tendency to bring things to light. In Aquarius, there is hope that knowledge of what has been swept under the rug, especially issues relating to Science and Technology, will not only come to the surface but be met by an appropriate level of outrage which leads to genuine reform. Global challenges can be met through innovation but the Human cost needs to be kept in mind by decision makers.

Conspiracy Theorists

Conspiracy theorists are marginalised when their concerns are unfounded. Pluto's powerful influence in the sign of the people may see people refusing to be blinkered when presented with the truth. This is the stuff that revolutions are made of.

This Revolutionary energy comes from Uranus, Aquarius' ruling planet. Sometimes Uranian influences can be shocking. Sudden changes and radical, unprecedented transformations are to be expected over the next two decades. Breakthroughs in Artificial intelligence, exploration of space and technology that have the power to redefine our experience as Human beings will come in a flurry.

An End to Heirarchy

Pluto in Aquarius shifts the focus from those hierarchical structures which are ruled by Capricorn to systems which harness the power of the collective. Changes in how we approach issues of democracy, social justice and community are on the agenda and so is the idea of 'Inclusion'. We have seen a radical shift over the last generation in how we manage our mental health and view disability. Marginalised groups and disadvantaged people will find empowerment through Pluto's move through Aquarius, regardless of political campaigns which seek to push these moves back down.

Pluto is intensifying calls for equality and humanitarian causes. Reform is on its way through this transit. Debates around civil rights, diversity, freedoms and governance are gaining traction and our values are being inspired by Pluto's shift into Aquarius.

Stepping into the Light casts a shadow...

Pluto's move into this sign will not be without challenges. There are likely to be huge positive shifts over the course of the next nineteen years but wherever there is a move towards freedom there is inevitably a clamping down in response. How we respond to the challenges brought by the tidal wave of change will define humanity and what life on Earth looks like going far into the future.

Some of the challenges we are likely to face as a whole are our relationships with technology and our reliance on it. We have moved beyond a digital age. Pluto is exposing the highest positive elements of this shift as well as the darkest side of what this means for us. Technology is advancing so rapidly there is a risk of losing control and ethical dilemmas are already rearing up as we see technology influencing every area of our existence.

Some people will welcome the changes brought about by Pluto's reign in this sign but there may also be great costs on many human levels. It would be foolish to ignore these very real threats to our existence and to assume that power is working for us.

Out in the Open

Aquarius wants everything out in the open. Transparency is a wonderful thing when it allows distorted power dynamics to be held to account and redressed to make things fairer but it can also become a tool for surveillance and an argument for reducing privacy and freedoms. Ethically this period with be interesting for historians looking back but living through it is likely to feel a little like being laid bare. Revolution, even if it comes for the greater good and promises a brilliant future, will never come without some cost. Disruption, even if it is necessary, is never easy. Are we in for a terrible ride of turmoil then? Not at all. Awareness is key and with Aquarius's focus on knowledge, truth and rationality, there is a reassurance that this transit is more about waking up to these risks and tackling them with a fair mind.

What about me?

Although Pluto is the furthest planet in our system and moves so slowly through the zodiac that it affects us on a generational level, its interaction with us as individuals is unmistakable. Aquarius may have a focus on the collective but it also rules over our unique individuality and celebrates every single person for their distinctive perspective and gifts. The most exciting changes which come from the next two decades may well be from innovations which begin with a single person who is empowered to make a change. Every human story has the power to inspire a generation and to change the course of history. We are being focused on friendships and social connections. We all know the difference a chance interaction or a meeting of minds can make in life and these moments of serendipity are likely to be definitive for each of us as Pluto makes its way through and connects us to those we need in order to thrive and meet our higher potential.

Human beings are inherently social creatures. We are designed to rely on some sense of community to thrive. There have been many changes in Western society which have reduced our sense of village and what it means to have support. Even for those misanthropists amongst us who insist they 'hate people', being surrounded by love and connection is essential. We are not supposed to live in isolation, especially when we are raising the next generation. Exciting, revolutionary practices and choices which celebrate an alternative way of living will become more common. Meaningful, authentic connections with triumph over superficial small talk. More people will challenge the status quo in the way they choose to live and in doing so, will create a wave of inspiration for others to follow suit. The smallest acts of inclusivity, kindness and standing up for what is right will be lent power by Pluto. Speaking truth and living well are little acts of rebellion which have great influence.

How worried should we be?

So with Pluto determined to be different as it moves through this sign we might well be expecting some kind of robotic AI-led revolution which marches us towards a dystopian genderfluid future where our humanity is ironed out. Except, if Uranus has anything to teach us it is to keep on our toes and to expect the unexpected. And Pluto's move through Aquarius recognises the brilliance of Humanity much better than we may give credit for. Of course, if Pluto were the only force in the zodiac I might well be inclined to believe the hype about AI taking over the world. But the cosmos, fortunately, is filled with influences which provide robust checks and balances. Pluto may be powerful but this era is as much about the darkness of technology being challenged as it is about its development. A whole set of other celestial forces will apply pressure over the years and ensure that, although the ride is set to be wild, it won't be the end as we know it. Pluto's moves may sometimes signal war but the other planets have a powerful role to play in keeping the peace.

Breakthroughs in technology are less likely to be about some robotic war on humanity itself and more focused on saving our planet, and ourselves from mindless destruction. There is much to be hopeful for. Pluto's transit through Aquarius brings us to the brink of a greater understanding of ourselves and is an opportunity for Humanity to transform into a thriving force for good. We may yet be about to move towards a more inclusive, kinder and interconnected future.









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