Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts

"ASTRO NEWS" for Friday November 15th
edited by Patty Greenall

Who says that no one saw the terrorist strike coming? Obviously, astrologers only answer questions that people ask or those that happen occur to them. Jim Shawvan, an American astrologer, is often asked for his opinion on political matters, especially after predicting that the U.S. Presidential election in 2000 would be delayed.

In December last year his comments were posted on he wrote: "During George 'Dubya' Bush's term in office, there may well be military action along his Mars - Midheaven line, in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We are all aware of the on-going human rights violations by the Taliban in Afghanistan and their continued protection of terrorist chief Osama Bin Laden..."

In the April 2001 issue of Mountain Astrologer, Shawvan commented about Mars, planet and ancient god of war. "In Dubya's chart," he said, "the next few years will see plenty of action involving his Mars in Virgo; some of it may conceivably go beyond the realm of threat and into combat".

He then commented on one of the progressed American charts and how it "recapitulates" the theme of Dubya's inauguration chart, a significant moment. He says, "Given the influence, this could involve something sudden - a surprise attack, a terrorist bombing... that is the most likely way for any hostilities against the US to commence."

Looking at Bush's inauguration chart, Shawvan observed chillingly: "Mercury and Neptune together show deception and confusion, which would certainly be characteristic of a terrorist conflict, such as one involving Osama Bin Laden or similar characters."

Impressed? We were too, so we asked Jim Shawvan to write for us today.

By Jim Shawvan
The last time Saturn and Pluto opposed each other was between April 1965 and February 1966, early in the Vietnam War, and also in the period just leading up to China's 'cultural revolution.

Uranus was involved, being conjunct to Pluto and opposed by Saturn throughout that period. There were riots in many US cities and elsewhere. In some countries, children born then grew up to fight and die in civil wars while in their teens or even younger - Cambodia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua. In Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, countries only slightly better off economically, teenagers of that generation fell victim to death squads, as in Argentina's "Dirty War".

Cycles repeat, but never exactly. Today's events are comparable, but lacking the Uranian influence of the 1960's, so there is less likelihood of uncontrolled mass violence. In other words, the governments of the world have a somewhat better near-monopoly on violence today. However, they are obviously being challenged in that respect by Al Qa'eda, a sort of pseudo-state with many tentacles.

Finding an "exit strategy" from war in Afghanistan may be no easier than it was in Vietnam. Much of the most intense fighting may well occur before and shortly after the last Saturn-Pluto opposition next May, but - as in Southeast Asia in the 1970's - the consequences will likely include endemic violence for a generation to come. Young people with no education and no prospects will continue to find Bin Laden's message appealing, even if Bin Laden himself is dead.

Afghanistan has not been fully conquered by outsiders since Alexander the Great. It's rough and mountainous, with a terrible climate. There is lots of room for resisters to hold out. Also, even if Taliban commanders defect to join the winning side, who's to say they will not defect to somebody else six months from now?

I'll believe that Afghanistan is at peace when I see that oil pipeline completed from the Caspian down to Pakistan. In the meantime, nothing would induce me to go work on the installation of that pipeline. How many western oil workers are likely to get killed by guerrillas while it is being built?

Hold on, folks, we're in for quite a ride.

Name that planet
And still they pour in - more than 1,000 readers have suggested a new name for KX76, the planet discovered by Larry Wasserman's team in Arizona. Here are some of the latest: Zerzura (after a North African oasis), Mrs P. E Flynn; Hero (a classical demi-god), Mrs B. Hart; Artemis (Greek goddess of the hunt), Karen Dahl; Celestina (a feminine name suggested by intuition), Joan McNally.

Keep writing. We'll make sure Larry's team receive the best.
Email (with subject heading: name that planet).

New phone service on the cards - UK only
Jonathan Cainer writes:
Every day, beneath your daily prediction, you can see an invitation to "speak live to an expert astrologer" and receive instant, in depth advice over the phone. Since its launch, Astro Live Link's service has proved extremely popular because, though �1.50 per minute is pricy if you see it as the cost of a phone call, it means you can have a ten-minute, live, personal consultation for just �15.

By popular request, we have added a new feature to our service. Though our lines will still be manned exclusively by fully-trained astrologers from now on, those who are also expert Tarot readers will be at liberty to use these psychic skills too, when seeking the clearest answer to your questions. This is presently only available in the UK but hopefully will launch in the US in the future.