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August 6th to August 10th
MONDAY AUGUST 6 Steve Judd Jonathan Cainer is on holiday until Monday August 13th. We're proud to have Steve Judd to write the daily column for us today.... enjoy. Saturn opposite Pluto Saturn in Gemini (2001-03) is telling us to restructure our systems of communication, whilst Pluto in Sagittarius (1995-2008) is transforming our attitudes towards truth, philosophy and religion. The opposition of these planets occurs every 35 years, from last night until May 2002. During this time, intensification, and hopefully, resolution of religious conflict worldwide (Israel, N. Ireland, Afghanistan etc.) can be expected whilst extremism will rise in the short term. The opposition hits the USA horoscope powerfully, and immense changes in American political, financial and even constitutional circles are more than possible, even probable. Closer to home, "secrets and lies" will be exposed, with individuals demanding far greater accountability, commitment and truth across the board, both personally and professionally. Its time to revolutionise our concepts about honesty, religion and communication. Don't we all deserve a better future?
TUESDAY AUGUST 7 Adam Smith Jonathan Cainer is on holiday until Monday August 13th. We're proud to have Adam Smith to write the daily column for us today.... enjoy. Countries have birth dates just like people, giving horoscopes that reveal a lot about their national characters. America for instance was born on 4th July 1776 and its Sun Cancer/ Moon Aquarius chart shows a combination of homeliness and high ideals - Freedom, Democracy and Mom's apple pie. Britain's chart on the other hand is taken from Christmas Day 1066, when William the Conqueror was crowned at Westminster Abbey at noon. So we're a Capricorn nation, with Aries rising. This makes us stubborn, warlike, class-conscious and small 'c' conservative. Doesn't sound like us at all, does it?
WEDNESDAY AUGUST 8 Phil Booth Jonathan Cainer is on holiday until Monday August 13th. We're proud to have Phil Booth to write the daily column for us today.... enjoy. You're free to do what you want to do! Be what you want to be! So...let's have a good time! Human potential is the jewel contained within your horoscope and can help you take control of your own destiny. I've been busy with your calls on Astro-Livelink and, sure, the cosmic climate is sometimes a nightmare, well.... maybe even most of the time. Believe me, I've been caught in some mega snow blizzards in my native Canada, but the same thing can happen to us in life. Remember! An optimistic attitude attracts good luck. Look up and expect the unexpected!!! But hang on......wait.....not when there's a bird flying overhead!
THURSDAY AUGUST 9 Wanda Sellar Jonathan Cainer is on holiday until Monday August 13th. We're proud to have Wanda Sellar to write the daily column for us today.... enjoy. You can be your own astrologer. It's easy. Just follow the phases of the Moon. Although we live on the Earth our satellite exerts quite an influence over our lives. For instance, many gardeners used to plant by the Moon. They'd sew seed when the Moon was passing through the two most fertile Elements - Earth and Water. The Moon pulls on the tides and even affects our bodies, which are 90 per cent water. Operations, once more hazardous than today, were avoided at the New and Full Moon as the chances of haemorrhage was more likely. But if you are planning a new enterprise - be it business or pleasure - the New Moon aids success. At that time the Moon will be waxing and full of vigour. If you are ending a connection with someone or something - with a lover, business partner or moving house - do it just after a Full Moon, that is when the Moon is waning. It will be easier to let go then.
FRIDAY AUGUST 10 Patty Greenall Jonathan Cainer is on holiday until Monday August 13th. We're proud to have Patty Greenall to write the daily column for us today.... enjoy. Most people get hooked on astrology through reading their daily horoscopes. Intrigued, some of us take this a step further, and a step further...and so on! Astrology is complex and fascinating. It can tackle specific questions (see Astrology Answers, link in the left hand frame), highlight propitious dates, interpret birth charts, analyse the charts of nations, events and dynasties... You name it! Then there are other areas, such as financial and medical astrology, which require specialised knowledge and qualifications. The study of astrology is never ending. If you'd like to find out more about your personal chart, ring one of Jonathan's team of professional astrologers at Astrolivelink. For details, click on the link below.
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