Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts

Jonathan Cainer's Astro News
Friday July 27th 2002 - edited by Bernard Fitzwalter

This week in Astro News:
~ Jupiter ~
~ AstroDiary ~
~ Astrology & Fertility - Can you help with some research? ~


Jupiter changed signs yesterday, moving from Cancer into Leo, where he will stay for about a year. Is this a good thing? Yes, I think so. When a big planet changes sign like this it's like painting a room a different colour, or putting a different song on the radio; it changes our mood without us really noticing, and in this case it changes it for the better. Jupiter in Leo is warmer, friendlier and more optimistic than he is in Cancer, and I'm absolutely sure that it will make the remaining months of this year seem a whole lot nicer than what we've been through so far.

Jupiter is good news in all sorts of ways. In astrology he is the spirit of growth and good fortune, and people born with Jupiter prominent are usually larger, happier, luckier and wealthier than the rest of us. When Jupiter is in a sign where his energies can be properly used, then everyone feels more confident about themselves and their future. When he is poorly placed, or held back by the influence of other planets, then of course the opposite happens. In Leo he is in a fire sign, which is what he likes best. He is, as the saying goes, in his element. (See? Now you know what the phrase really means. Old astrology lies hidden in all sorts of everyday expressions.) In a few weeks' time Jupiter is going to clash with Neptune. Astrologers usually describe this combination in terms of water, anything from a cold shower to a flood or a tidal wave, but the general idea is that of washing away all the rubbish and leftovers of the past and leaving things clean and uncluttered, ready for a new start.

It can be a very revealing time; most of us simply find it refreshing, but for politicians and for the stock markets it may be a different story...

Jupiter passes through each sign for one year in twelve, which makes it very easy to work out when he will next visit your sign. If you can't wait for that, then there's also a little ripple of Jupiter good fortune a few months before your birthday if your age then is divisible by four: 24, 28, 32, and so on. Think back and see if those dates ring any bells. If they do, then not only have you got a window on your past, but a timetable for your future, as well.

Tonight: (Aug 2): Woking Astrology Group. A look at sex using traditional astrology. Maybury Centre, Board School Rd. 8pm, �4 (�6 non-members). 01252 653086.
August 5 � 9: Company of Astrologers, London Summer School. Daily, 10.30am - 4.30pm, School of Acupuncture, 13 Mandela St, Camden, London NW1. �32 daily (�28 Friends); or �120 for five days (Friends only). Monday Aug 5: Reading Tarot; Tues (6), Surviving Outer Planet Transits; Wed (7), Interpreting Progressions; Thurs (8), Look at Relationships Astrologically; Fri (9), Horary Charts. Info: 01227 362427. Email:
August 6: Suffolk Astrological Society. The Scripts People Write, Wanda Sellar, 7.45pm at The Black Boy, Guildhall St, Bury St Edmunds. Info: 01284) 768756 or

Summer schools:
Aug 16 � 23: Faculty of Astrological Studies, Annual Residential Summerschool. Brasenose College, Oxford. Email: or visit
August 18: Healing Your Birth Story. One-day interactive workshop, �70 in advance. Grove Neighbourhood Centre, 7 Bradmore Park Rd, London W6 0DT. Book: 020 8741 4770. Info at:

Please double-check with the organisation before attending any events listed here - we cannot accept any responsibility for events changed/cancelled.

Are you holding an astrological event - especially one outside London!! - that you would like others to know about?
Write to with subject heading: Astro Events with website links.
Please note - we cannot promise to include ALL submissions but will do our best.

Research into Astrology and Infertility by Pat Harris, MSc., D.F.Astrol.S.

I would like to thank everyone who has responded to my earlier notices on Jonathan's website and who volunteered to take part in the research that I am conducting as part of my PhD in astrology and health psychology at Southampton University, UK. I now have quite a number of people taking part which will help me in conducting my study into factors that may or may not correlate with fertility treatment outcome. I should have a progress report out soon. However, I am still looking for women who are currently pregnant - not necessarily as a result of fertility treatment - and who would like to contact me about details of my research to see if they would like to take part. My email address is:

New Service is Top for the Charts
The Astrological Association of Great Britain is proud to announce that you can now speak LIVE to an expert astrologer. For an instant in-depth telephone consultation about your full horoscope call 0845 120 1416 or +44 207 436 9101
(a confidential 30-minute reading costs �29.50, payable by credit card. Or cheque/postal order from UK.)
Lines are open 9am-9pm GMT, Monday to Friday.
A few weeks ago, the Astrological Association of Great Britain launched this new, live fixed-fee, telephone chart reading service. It has since proved big hit with callers from all over the world. AA President Roy Gillett told Astro News: "I am delighted with the warm response that we have had. Once, if you wanted a reading of your full birth chart, you would have to struggle to find a genuine, reputable astrologer. Then, you would have had to make an appointment and travel miles. Now, at last, there's a quick and easy way to get your questions answered by a real expert - from the comfort of your own home." Mirror reader Julie Roberts from Rochester was equally enthusiastic. "I rang last Tuesday and spoke to an astrologer called Maria. Within moments, she was telling me details about my childhood that she could not possibly have known... then she said some fascinating things about my future.

If you missed any of Friday's Astronews articles, click on the Archive Thought for the Day link in the left hand frame.