Chiron - The Wounded Healer by Steve Judd
In mythology, Chiron (ky-ron) was a centaur, half man and half horse,
immortal yet fatally wounded. In November 1977 a new planetoid was discovered
and given this name. Astrologers like myself feel it represents the
relationship between our animal instinct and our human intellect.
We all have a side of ourselves that we don't like. Most of us try to pretend
it does not exist. The more we deny it though, the stronger it becomes. In
time, it gets so strong that it can absorb us and we become that person we've
always dreaded. Other people are honest with themselves, and say "OK, there's
a little bit of me that's not perfect, but there's also a much bigger side of
me that's a really nice person!". At this point of self acceptance an
integration takes place, we accept ourselves as being who we are, warts and
all, and get on with the business of improving our lives.
Chiron in the horoscope can show the potential for this process of
self-healing. Once we have gone through it, we can then help others heal
Chiron was discovered at the same time as the advent of holistic medicine.
The common theme of all of these skills is the real lesson of Chiron - accept
yourself as being who you are, and don't ever stop trying to get better! And
stop giving yourself such a hard time - wouldn't the planet would be a lot
better place if people weren't so harsh and critical towards themselves, as
well as others?
Steve Judd is at, or email
Where is Chiron
Chiron has a 51-year irregular orbit. At present, it is at the 6th degree of
Capricorn. (It tends to move, at maximum, about 3 degrees per month but
because of retrograde phases, it's usually less.) In March 2005 it moves into
Behind the Signs
Astro-physicists last week announced that the colour of the universe is
bluish green or pale turquoise. How is this determined? Remember that light
can be split into rainbow colours by using a prism and conversely, if you mix
all the colours of the spectrum together you'll get white light. They
gathered spectral data from all light emitted from stars and galaxies - the
combined data yielded a single distinctive turquoise colour. Colour is
determined by the speed and intensity of a star or galaxy. So the colour will
change as the universe ages.
Astrological association of Great Britain - special announcement
It is now possible, once more, to enjoy a live consulation with an expert
from the Astrological Association of Great Britain. A detailed 30-minute,
one-to-one reading of your full birth chart costs �29.50 for 30-minutes
(payable by credit card). For details - or to arrange a reading right now,
call 0845 120 1416. (Unfortunately, currently only available in the UK)
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