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March 18th to March 23rd 2002
MONDAY MARCH 18 Pyschic broadcasting Yesterday, I recorded a TV programme with Uri Geller. It was one of those late night "religious debates" in which various people questioned Uri's right to have "special powers" and my right to "see the future." Shows like this are never completely satisfactory - because there's always too much argument and not enough explanation but I'll let you know when they are going to broadcast it. Meanwhile, on the way there and back, Uri and I decided to try a little "psychic broadcasting". We both "beamed out" one of the four symbols at the foot of the page today - and we will continue to transmit them all day today. Last time we did it together like this, we got a most encouraging response. Let's hope it works as well today. Click on Uri's link in the left hand frame.
TUESDAY MARCH 19 Then and now... Some while ago I published a letter from a reader called Pete who was concerned about the true difference between "then" and "now". I have since had many letters on this topic including one from Phil Odgers of North London. Phil is a fan of Helena Blavatsky - a mystical enquirer who lived at the turn of the last century. He found the following quote in one of her books; "I feel irritated at having to use these three clumsy words - past, present and future - miserable concepts of the objective phases of the subjective whole. They are about as ill-adapted for the purpose as an axe for fine tuning." (Check out Feedback Forum for more of your replies.)
WEDNESDAY MARCH 20 Narrow escapes and global warming "There is no such thing as a near miss. You either hit 'em or you don't." My brother Adam always says this about narrow escapes in cars. But you can say much the same thing about narrow escapes in space. Twelve days ago a huge asteroid passed just 280,000 miles from the Earth. That's not much further away than the Moon. Some people find this worrying. But I am far more concerned about the large section of the ice shelf that has just broken away in Antarctica. Global warming is the only true threat from nature that we face right now. I do see hope here - but only if enough people wake up to the danger in time.
THURSDAY MARCH 21 First day of Spring Happy New Year. Today is March 21. Variously known in the Northern Hemisphere as the first day of spring, or the vernal equinox. It is recognised the world over as the day of the Sun's annual ingress into Aries and start of the new astrological cycle. An equinox is a time when the nights are as long as the days. An ingress is an entry point (technically the Sun entered Aries last night at 7.16pm GMT). Vernal is just a fancy word for spring. This is an important and auspicious day in every astrologer's calendar. To celebrate, I have recorded some new long-range forecasts. They cover the key points you are likely to encounter between now and the Summer Solstice on June 21.
FRIDAY MARCH 22 Fearing fear plus Astronews with a piece on Comets Earlier this week, I recorded a special three month ahead prediction for each zodiac sign. (Available by dialling the number beneath your daily prediction.) In the process, I took a good look at the opposition between Saturn and Pluto which takes place at the end of May. It is not the first time that I have considered it carefully, and I'm sure it will not be the last but this time I was struck by something. Saturn is due to be joined in Gemini then by Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Sun. It is almost as if the other planets are rallying to show their support. I feel most encouraged by this symbolism. The only thing we have to fear in the next three months is fear itself. Click here for Astro News this week, which has a piece on Comets, an update on the new planet plus Astrologer's Diary... Enjoy.
SATURDAY MARCH 23 Match Made in Heaven? Sarah Michelle Gellar & Freddie Prinze Jr In theory, we should all now be able to see the amazing new Comet "Ikeya-Zhang", just after dark in the West this week. In practice though, the light of the Full Moon may just make it hard to spot. Keep a look out just in case. Match Made in Heaven - Sarah Michelle Gellar born April 14th 1977 Aries and Freddie Prinze Jr born March 8th 1976 Pisces Some say that Aries and Pisces make a dreadful duo. Others insist there is magic in this match. I know that Buffy has a big following of besotted admirers - and I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings - but I suspect that Sarah and Freddie (who will soon be appearing together in the Scooby Doo movie) may last longer as a couple than many people want them to!
Click here for Jonathan Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts |