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April 14th to April 19th 2003
MONDAY APRIL 14 Full Moon in Libra Wednesday's Full Moon takes place in the sign of the Scales. That's apt. The world now has much to weigh up. But it is not unusual. There is always a Full Moon in Libra around this time of year while the Sun is in Aries. Libra and Aries are opposite signs. This Full Moon though, occurs at 26 degrees, and Mars, meanwhile, is at the 26th degree of Capricorn. The three bodies are forming tight, right angles. That's rare. And powerful. Tomorrow, I'll look at who it may affect. TUESDAY APRIL 15 Zodiac a great circular piano Think of the zodiac as a great circular piano with 360 different notes. The coming Full Moon will cause just three of these to ring out but they will strike a chord in many of us. People likely to feel the strongest resonance include those born between August 1935 - July 1936, February - April 1967, February - April 1976 or in July 1946, September/October 1954, January 1955, May 1955, September 1966, August 1975. Also sensitive will be anyone with a birthday on or around July 19, any year. For all these (and more) the next few days bring drama! WEDNESDAY APRIL 16 Full Moon - sensitive birth dates Tonight, the Moon is Full and one way or another, we will all feel its influence. Tempers flare and passions rise at times like this. Because the Moon is in Libra, people born under the scales will be particularly prone to moments of drama and/or delight - especially if they were born around October 19. Likewise, people with a birthday today or tomorrow. And to the list of other 'hot dates' that I gave yesterday, I should add anyone born between November 1981 and March 1982, or in October 1982, September 1974, November 1969, April 1958, January 1946... or September 1934. THURSDAY APRIL 17 Full Moon - sensitive birth dates - part two Yesterday, I wrote about birth dates that would be extra sensitive to the Full Moon. I meant to single out October 19 for special attention. But the heatwave sapped my concentration and I inadvertently typed the word September. Perhaps this was a Freudian slip. Due to the position of Venus, September 17, 18 and 19 are also 'hot dates' now. Folk born around March 15 and 16 can expect excitement soon, too. And Saturn is about to bring the end of a drama to people born around June 17 and 18 or December 16 and 17. FRIDAY APRIL 18 Anglo Saxon goddess of fecundity Eostre or Eastre was an Anglo Saxon goddess of fecundity. Her power is traditionally celebrated, in a series of wild celebrations, every spring. Eggs are also an ancient fertility symbol, suggesting the birth of a new season. The cross on a hot cross bun, meanwhile, is an ancient pagan hieroglyph representing the four equal quarters of the year. And as for chocolate? Nobody even pretends to know what that has to do with anything! But that doesn't stop us enjoying it. Whatever you're celebrating this weekend, I wish you all the best. SATURDAY APRIL 19 Venus and Mars Venus and Mars may be in separate sectors of the sky but they are clearly in close contact. Soon both will move into new zodiac signs within hours of each other. It is an excellent week for artists, dancers and people who are looking for love. Happy Birthday!
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