Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts

Jonathan Cainer's Astro News
Friday March 7th 2003 - edited by Bernard Fitzwalter

This week in Astro News:
~ Uranus enters Pisces ~
~ AstroDiary ~

I'm looking forward to the new Piscean buzzword, whatever it is.
For seven years we've been calling everything 'cool', the keyword of Aquarius. Piscean words are not to do with temperature, but with liquids and flow; wet is the new cool. You heard it here first. Soaking!

The biggest event for astrologers so far this year takes place on Monday at about 9pm, when Uranus enters Pisces. Uranus changes signs only once in seven years, and takes 84 years to go round the full circuit of the zodiac, so many of us never see him in the same sign twice.

It means a new chapter, not just for Pisceans but for all of us. The world we've been living in since 1995 is about to change; there will be a new mood and a new feeling, with new styles and new music. Uranus in Aquarius put us all on the net, gave us all a mobile and a tattoo, dressed us in fleece tops and combats, put wood laminate floors down at home instead of carpets, and gave us New Labour. Uranus in Pisces will change all that. Not instantly, of course, but a lot faster than you might think; once a fashion gets rolling, everyone gets on board.

Pisces is much softer than Aquarius. It's retro rather than techno, romantic rather than rational, and above all it would rather make love than war. It's also very ecologically-minded, and spiritually inclined; big business will never be the same again. It sounds like a hippie revival, and in some respects it is. Not possible in today's high-tech world? Wait and see.

ASTRODIARY with Adam Smith

Monday (March 10): The Astrology of English Football, Bethea Jenner. 7pm.
Astrological Lodge, London, W1.

Wednesday (March 12): Uranus in Pisces, 7pm
Company of Astrologers, London NW3.
Oxford Astrology Group, Friends' Meeting House, Oxford. 7.30pm. �2.50.

Please double-check with the organisation before attending any events listed here - we cannot accept any responsibility for events changed/cancelled.

Are you holding an astrological event - especially one outside London!! - that you would like others to know about?
Send your diary events to Adam at with subject heading: Astro Events with website links.
Please note - we cannot promise to include ALL submissions but will do our best.

Researcher Seeking Assistance

Graham Douglas is carrying out research into possible astrological relationships between the births of siblings in the same family. He is looking for sets of birth data for complete sets of brothers and sisters
of any age. If you are able to help please include date, time and place of birth, gender of the child,
and (if known) whether or not the birth was natural or induced in any way.
A report of the findings will be sent to anyone who requests it, when the investigation is completed.
The email address to contact is Many Thanks for your help.

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