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August 25th to August 31st 2003
MONDAY August 25 Omen Mars Mars may be the planet of War but its current position does not signify some vast, global conflict. Many indeed, think we are entitled to interpret a Mars, this bright, as a sign of great hope. Mars, they point out, is also a symbol of purpose and progress. It traditionally represents 'the conquering force of a big new movement'. It could herald the arrival of a whole new way to look at life... or the emergence of an army of people with a mission to change our world for the better. Think, for example, of the unprecedented millions who spontaneously took to the streets to march AGAINST war, earlier this year. Remember that this didn't just happen in Britain but all over the globe - and you may then get a better idea of the mood Mars is now about to whip up. Think also of how much more visible Mars is becoming. In giving us a better chance to look at it close-up, might it also be helping us to understand how the secret warmongers of this world really work? Here in Britain, for example, we are finally learning the truth about the notorious 'Dossier on Iraq'. This we were all told, by an emphatic Prime Minister, made a compelling case for attack. Now we are being shown how it absolutely didn't! It would have persuaded nobody before it was 'sexed up' with fabricated claims. When a senior advisor to the Ministry of Defence was troubled enough by his conscience to let this slip to the media, he ended up dead in the woods; a fate he darkly predicted for himself months earlier. On Thursday, just as Mars is at its absolute nearest, the Prime minister himself will be forced to explain all this to the historic Hutton Inquiry. It will be fascinating to see what he says. DID he cynically manipulate us all by publishing these lies? Keep in mind please, that Mars rules leadership. And that omens, this rare and this bright, invariably portend tremendous change. HAVE YOU SEEN MARS YET? If you have not yet taken your chance, do try tonight. It truly is an amazing sight. Nobody, in the whole history of this earth, has ever seen Mars so bright. To seize your chance, just go outside after 11pm. Don't bother with a star-map or a compass. You won't need either. Just look for the slightly orange 'flare' or 'firework' that outshines every star by far. When you see the famous red planet of war, make a wish. For peace! TUESDAY August 26 Did Mars Put the Lights Out? Between tomorrow and Thursday, Mars will come as close to the Earth as it can ever get. Normally, if I was talking about an event like this, I would say, 'Don't expect anything to happen straight away'. Such signs in the sky tend to tell us about tomorrow, not today. Mars though, is already making its presence felt. That's probably because, it has already been stunningly close for weeks. Remember that Mars governs conflict, leadership, power and fire. Then think about some of the news stories we have heard lately. Some connections are obvious. You would expect trouble to flare up in the Middle East with a strong Mars in the sky. But what about those millions of Americans and Canadians, plunged into sudden darkness, just as the power planet begins to shine so brightly in the sky? You can almost imagine Mars angrily shouting, 'Hey, I'm here and you aren't looking! If I cut off your electricity, you will HAVE to notice me then!' And what about the exceptional number of fires, raging out of control in forests and fields all across the globe? Or the world-wide heatwave? I am not trying to say that Mars has CAUSED any of this. And of course I concede that such events can occur when Mars is far less obviously active. I still think though, that a sort of celestial 'signature' can be seen. I predict more tales on such topics between now and the end of the year. My astrological ancestors would certainly be in no doubt about what was due to come next. A series of dramas, involving, soldiers, surgeons and strategists! Over the rest of the week, we'll look more closely at what they - and I - and my other colleagues, might expect to happen next. TO SEE THIS HISTORIC SIGHT.... THE MEANING OF MARS To read Jonathan's comments on recent 'scientific studies' into astrology...click here.. WEDNESDAY August 27 What Sign Is Mars In? Mars is now about as close to earth as it can ever get. As if to celebrate this special moment, several other exceptional events are taking place over the next couple of days. WHAT SIGN IS MARS IN? To read Jonathan's comments on recent 'scientific studies' into astrology...click here. THURSDAY August 28 Have the Martians Already Landed? by Eric Francis Each year, more than a ton of rocks from Mars land on Earth. Most end up in the ocean but one such meteorite was recently found in Antarctica. In 1996 scientists held a press conference. They said, �Look! Clues in this rock point suggest that long ago, there could have been bacterial life on Mars.� Sadly, over time, these theories came under more scrutiny and many doubts were raised. Lately though, two findings have breathed new life into the notion. A portion of the magnetite in the rock is now known to be produced only by biological processes. Plus, new tests show the rock's core never reached more than 40 C degrees during its journey. This is cool enough for bacteria to have made the trip at one time or another. So while we still don't have full proof, this at least leaves open the possibility that life on Earth really was spawned by life on Mars! To read Jonathan's comments on recent 'scientific studies' into astrology...click here. FRIDAY August 29 Dear Jonathan, Mars emails Dear Jonathan, You mentioned recently that in French, Tuesday is 'Mardi', based on 'Mar' for Mars. Did you know the Japanese word for Tuesday is Ka-yobi. Ka meaning fire, and yobi meaning day. Also in Japanese the name of the planet Mars is ka sei. Ka meaning fire and sei meaning planet. Regards, P. Hi Jonathan, Dear Jonathan, Dear Jonathan Dear Eileen, Dear Jonathan, Dear Melody, To read Jonathan's comments on recent 'scientific studies' into astrology...click here SATURDAY August 30 Saturn/Neptune and Jupiter/Mars comments Two relatively rare events this week. Saturn forms a once-in-a-decade antagonistic angle to Neptune - implying difficulty for traditionalists who will have to rethink. Meanwhile, Jupiter opposes Mars - a biennial event which usually coincides with the departure of a famous figure from political power.
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