Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



April 22 2024 to April 28 2024

Monday April 22


Following the weekend's link between Jupiter (luck) and Uranus (innovation), can you feel change in the air? If not, what about on the ground? Since their meeting took place in earthy Taurus, their influence is more rooted in the physical than the ephemeral. So instead of looking for divine intervention, we need to focus on the concrete steps we can take to make a difference. We have the resources to build ourselves a wonderful future. And the more confidently we invest in it, the better it will be.

Tuesday April 23

A Rose

It's the birthday of the author who wrote "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Yet I'm not sure roses smell 'sweet' exactly... some (apparently) smell of green tea. And some even smell unpleasant! But Shakespeare was creating poetry. Today's Pink Moon inspires us all to take poetic licence. By adopting a gentle, caring approach we'll encourage other people to invest in our emotional stories. That's enough to make the difference between triumphs and tragedies.

Wednesday April 24

Pink Moon

The late, great Nick Drake sang about a Pink Moon. His songs are known to bring great comfort to people who feel vulnerable. His music has helped me to discover a fragile beauty in sadness; and over the years I've formed friendships with others who feel the same way about his work. The legacy of the Pink Moon's link with Pluto indicates that support is available. Even if circumstances seem particularly challenging, if we reach for help, it will materialise from out of the blue.

Thursday April 25

Mercury Forwards

The Pink Moon in Scorpio highlighted our intuition and encouraged reflection. Its link with mysterious Pluto brought hidden attributes to the foreground of our minds. Now, after several weeks of retrograde motion, as Mercury (intellect) moves forwards, we can use those insights to take informed action. We all have valuable contributions to make. And when we put our minds together, who knows what we can do? Today, sharing ideas can lead to developments that surprise us (in a good way).

Friday April 26

South Africa

30 years ago, the first votes were cast in multiracial elections in South Africa. It was a dream that took too long to be realised, but it was a dream worth fighting for. As dynamic Mars prepares to converge with dreamy Neptune before it moves into Aries (its celestial home), it's time to consider what we can do to make our world a better, more beautiful and welcoming place. Fighting against the tide is challenging, but if we work together, and share our dreams, we can start to make it flow in the right direction.

Saturday April 27

Your May Monthly Horoscope

Throughout May, although the ongoing Jupiter/Uranus link calls for invigorating change, Saturn and Pluto remind us that genuine transformations take time. With Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto forming a talent triangle, the cosmos helps smooth this transition's rough edges. And lucky Jupiter's arrival in Gemini helps us explore the wisdom behind our ideas. Rivers create canyons in millennia, not minutes. And it's a combination of enthusiasm and consideration that will help us carve brighter futures.

Sunday April 28

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

Throughout May, although the ongoing Jupiter/Uranus link calls for invigorating change, Saturn and Pluto remind us that genuine transformations take time. With Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto forming a talent triangle, the cosmos helps smooth this transition's rough edges. And lucky Jupiter's arrival in Gemini helps us explore the wisdom behind our ideas. Rivers create canyons in millennia, not minutes. And it's a combination of enthusiasm and consideration that will help us carve brighter futures.

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