Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



July 29 2024 to August 4 2024

Monday July 29

Finger of Fate

The weekend's 'Finger of Fate' highlighted the hidden work that goes into accomplishing tasks and missions. But it also reminded us of the value of good preparation. And with perfect timing, as the cosmos goes quiet for a couple of days, we can take advantage of the calm to take stock and plan. If we're going to take significant steps towards improving our lives, it's right to allow room for ideas to grow. Sometimes, despite what the recipe says, bread needs a little longer in the oven.

Tuesday July 30

Titan of the Model T

Henry Ford, who was born on this day, said: "Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right." I've also heard this: "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right'. Initially these quotes appear similar. But there's a difference between 'thinking' and 'believing'. Although both allow the potential for failing, when we believe, it means that despite the challenges, we think a successful outcome is possible. As Venus moves to link with Jupiter and Uranus, it's believe-time!

Wednesday July 31

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

They say 'the one constant in life is change'. Yet, with the last couple of days having seen little major astrological activity, perhaps the cosmos has been trying to change that notion? Which of course, would in itself be a change! Hmm... perhaps this way of thinking is becoming a bit too 'meta'. So, let's focus on the link the Sun makes with Uranus. It insists that practical ideas can help us find clever solutions to tricky problems - especially if we choose ways forwards that involve change!

Thursday August 1

Happy Lammas Day

Happy Lammas Day! This ancient festival, which marks the midpoint between the Solstice and the Equinox, celebrates the first harvest with the baking of bread. From what I remember as a kid, it also involved collecting canned goods and dried food and distributing them to those in need. And with Venus moving to align with Jupiter, generosity and kindness make all the difference today. With the New Moon approaching, simple, thoughtful acts can plant seeds of change.

Friday August 2

A Conflict of Interest?

Venus in Leo linking with Uranus in Taurus, suggests a conflict of interests. Both these 'fixed signs' value loyalty, but this planetary alignment highlights freedom and spontaneity. So how do we marry these seemingly opposed ideals? Jupiter has the answer. As it links with the weekend's New Moon it emphasises the importance of faith and self-belief. With the confidence to trust ourselves and in our key relationships, we can create the perfect environment for joy and fun.

Saturday August 3

Your August Monthly Horoscope

This month, the Celestial Archer, an influential alignment of planets, takes centre stage. Later in August, as the Archer takes aim, Venus becomes the first planet to provide its ammunition. But just as an archer needs practice, we need to take steps to ensure we use this positive energy to its full effect. Mercury retrograde encourages us to think twice before taking action. And with the potential to make focused change that leads to a more satisfying future, we need to aim high this month!

Sunday August 4

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

This month, the Celestial Archer, an influential alignment of planets, takes centre stage. Later in August, as the Archer takes aim, Venus becomes the first planet to provide its ammunition. But just as an archer needs practice, we need to take steps to ensure we use this positive energy to its full effect. Mercury retrograde encourages us to think twice before taking action. And with the potential to make focused change that leads to a more satisfying future, we need to aim high this month!

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts