Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



August 26 2024 to September 1 2024

Monday August 26

Party Time

The weekend heralded the start of the Notting Hill Carnival in London and the Burning Man Festival in the US. So it's party time on both sides of the Atlantic! Overhead, the stars are also providing us with reasons to celebrate. The Celestial Archer is taking shape - with Venus preparing to become the first of several planets to oppose Neptune and use the Grand Trine to direct its energy towards the alignment. Expect explosive creativity as the power of our imaginations grows stronger.

Tuesday August 27

Mary Poppins

It's 60 years since the premiere of Mary Poppins. A children's classic, at the time it was heralded for its ground-breaking special effects; Disney's development of the use of sodium vapour (used in street lighting), paved the way for the green screens used in our modern blockbusters. Today, as Venus aligns with Uranus in the Celestial Archer, it ups the potential for creative innovations which can change our perception of how we interact with our world. Exciting possibilities lie ahead.

Wednesday August 28

Cupid's Arrow

Today, Venus opposes Neptune in the Celestial Archer alignment. Just as Cupid fired arrows of love, if we focus our attention on issues which could benefit from more creativity and kindness, we can use the Archer's powers and achieve significant results. With Mercury retrograde, it's been hard to know what to focus on. Now, as the planet of ideas turns direct, it will be much easier to know what to aim for. With inspiration and imagination, we can make changes that fill our lives with more love.

Thursday August 29

Definitely Maybe

'Definitely Maybe' by Oasis is a very Libran album title. As the indie masterpiece turns 30, and Venus slides into its supposedly 'indecisive' home, how will our mood be affected? Will it make us feel 'Supersonic'? Or just 'Whatever'?! First, let's address the indecisive myth; Libran energy is super-powerful (and direct) when it comes from the heart. As Venus links with Pluto, tuning into this energy enables us all to tap into our 'Rock 'n' Roll' side and shine like the stars we really are.

Friday August 30

September Sun

We've been talking about the Celestial Archer's potential for creating change. This weekend, as Uranus turns retrograde at one corner of the Archer's bow, the effects will be surprisingly subtle. Don't expect instant breakthroughs. Yet the impact of the shifts taking place can't be underestimated. The Archer is finding its range as we prepare for the next stage. It's setting the scene for the Sun's September entrance, and the exciting opportunities it brings.

Saturday August 31

Your September Monthly Horoscope

The September Harvest Moon, and the Equinox, help us reap what we've sown over the course of the year. The experience we've gained through overcoming challenges is becoming a force for change; we can harness the power of our imaginations to move forwards in creatively satisfying ways. But while this transformation is positive, it's important to sensitively nurture progress. By allowing our plans time to reach maturity new beginnings will yield rich results.

Sunday September 1

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

The September Harvest Moon, and the Equinox, help us reap what we've sown over the course of the year. The experience we've gained through overcoming challenges is becoming a force for change; we can harness the power of our imaginations to move forwards in creatively satisfying ways. But while this transformation is positive, it's important to sensitively nurture progress. By allowing our plans time to reach maturity new beginnings will yield rich results.

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