Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



September 9 2024 to September 15 2024

Monday September 9

Sudoku Day

When is a problem not a problem? When it's a puzzle! Although it's not yet officially recognised, today is International Sudoku Day. This game is my preferred way to zone out after a hard day. People might think it odd to use maths to wind down, but there are no sums to do - it's about finding patterns to work out the right answer. As Mercury leaves its Finger of Fate alignment, and returns to its celestial home, Virgo, it brings the insight to decipher puzzles in our own lives. Very satisfying!

Tuesday September 10

Between Sun Alignments

This week we're suspended between Sun alignments. The first is with restrictive Saturn. The second is with expansive Jupiter. So, is this suspension like a hammock lazily swinging between palm trees? Or a tightrope suspended between buildings? If at times it feels like a high-wire act, the key to making it across involves having faith. Even with occasional wobbles, we can triumph. Success is about having the courage to come back from setbacks. With confidence, we can get the balance right.

Wednesday September 11

Serena Williams

25 years ago today, Serena Williams won her first Grand Slam and kick-started her glittering career. Her influence on the sport and her impact on the demographic of people watching and competing can't be underestimated. But being a pioneer takes courage. As Venus moves from linking with revolutionary Uranus to an uneasy relationship with Saturn, we might feel equally inspired and challenged. But with faith in the bigger picture, we'll be rewarded with success that builds a lasting legacy.

Thursday September 12

Retrograde Revision

Remember what revising for exams feels like? When Mercury (intellect) is retrograde, it makes us feel a bit like that. It's as if the cosmos is telling us to check to make sure we really 'know our onions'. Mercury started moving forwards a while ago. But as it leaves its shadow, and ventures into new territory, we can start experimenting with exciting new flavours. Will our knowledge still be tested? Probably. But even if things get spicy, we can enjoy the heat in the kitchen. It's time to have some fun.

Friday September 13

Friday the 13th

If Friday the 13th is unlucky, why is Jupiter (planet of luck) moving from a dynamic link with the Sun to a supportive relationship with Venus (love and abundance)? Didn't the cosmos get the memo? This weekend, the vibe is one of good fortune and hope. But there's a catch. To fully experience Jupiter's benefits, we need to believe in our chance of success. Today, instead of fearing to walk under ladders, we need to be on the lookout for opportunities to climb high. The sky's the limit!

Saturday September 14

Your Weekly Horoscope

This week, as the Super Lunar Eclipse draws back the Archer's bow, and the Equinox approaches, the Celestial Archer alignment reaches its peak. It's a powerful time. With the Pisces Super Moon lining up as its target, there's a plethora of reasons to feel excited. But it's not just excitement in the air. With dreamy Neptune heightening our ability to sensitively communicate our feelings, here come opportunities to break through emotional barriers and touch people's hearts and lives.

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts