Jonathan Cainer's Zodiac Forecasts

Jonathan Cainer's Astro News
Friday February 21st 2003 - edited by Bernard Fitzwalter

This week in Astro News:
~ Saturn and Pluto changes ~
~ AstroDiary ~

Saturn image, courtesy of NASA online gallery

Saturn is now also leaning heavily on the chart of the United Nations.
It last did this in 1973, the year of the Yom Kippur war between Israel and the Arab nations, and the Vietnam ceasefire. As always, these things go in cycles...

Saturn image courtesy of NASA online gallery

It is undoubtedly a time of tension. But there are very good grounds for believing that the worst is already behind us, and that the international situation will start to work towards the light instead of plunging into ever darker depths.

The culprits, as usual, are Saturn and Pluto. When they were exactly opposite at the end of 2001 and during the first half of 2002, it seemed as though everything that could possibly go wrong was doing so. But as Saturn and Pluto moved out of alignment, the situation seemed to improve. So what has gone wrong this time? How can Saturn and Pluto be in aspect again?

The fact is, they are not. But they are moving very slowly back towards alignment, and they are as close as they are going to get right now, which is why all that unfinished business is back on the agenda. To make matters worse, a third planet is acting as a go-between, helping Saturn and Pluto exchange their awful energies. This is quite common in astrology and if a good planet is doing it, it is seen as a good thing. This time, however, the go-between is Mars, god of war.

So what happens next? Well, Mars has actually done all he can now, and is moving away. Tomorrow, Saturn changes direction � cue much rumbling and threatening noise � but will slowly start to leave the scene, and on March 23, Pluto will start to back off, too. What all this means is that if anything is going to happen, it must be in the next few days � or not at all.

ASTRODIARY with Adam Smith

Tomorrow (Feb 22): Saturn & Superego. London School of Astrology Seminar.
£40. Booking essential: 07002 334455

Wednesday (Feb 26): One World One Truth -
with David Cammegh, and psychic medium Anthony Kesner.
Geological Soc., Burlington House, London W1. 7pm, �10.
(info: 078111 56191 or

Please double-check with the organisation before attending any events listed here - we cannot accept any responsibility for events changed/cancelled.

Are you holding an astrological event - especially one outside London!! - that you would like others to know about?
Send your diary events to Adam at with subject heading: Astro Events with website links.
Please note - we cannot promise to include ALL submissions but will do our best.

Researcher Seeking Assistance

Graham Douglas is carrying out research into possible astrological relationships between the births of siblings in the same family. He is looking for sets of birth data for complete sets of brothers and sisters
of any age. If you are able to help please include date, time and place of birth, gender of the child,
and (if known) whether or not the birth was natural or induced in any way.
A report of the findings will be sent to anyone who requests it, when the investigation is completed.
The email address to contact is Many Thanks for your help.

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