Friday March 28th 2003 -
edited by Bernard Fitzwalter
This week in Astro News:
~ Sun trine Jupiter ~
~ AstroDiary ~
Venus and Uranus make an exceptionally close conjunction today.
The closer two planets get, the more powerful the experience.
Venus is goddess of love, and Uranus brings surprises � so
make up a sentence using the words 'unexpected', 'romance',
and 'intense'. Suddenly an ordinary Friday seems full of possibilities.
The sun is in trine aspect to Jupiter tomorrow,
as you will see from the panel on the right. The triangle
symbolises a trine, two planets 120 degrees apart. Regular
readers know that the sun is a good influence, Jupiter is
a lucky planet, and that trines are considered a good thing.
So are we all going to have a fabulous day tomorrow?
Not quite. Jupiter is still going backwards, though by this
time next week he will have started to move forwards again.
These two phenomena - the trine from the sun, and the change
of direction - should really be taken together, and Jupiter
shouldn't be considered ready to provide his usual good influences
until both have taken place. In the case of Jupiter, the interval
between the two events is six days. During this interval,
the planet should be considered as being in neutral; ready
and full of fuel but not switched on, if you like. For people
who want their good fortune right now, this delay is annoying;
but there's reassuring knowledge that good times are just
around the corner.
Trine aspects don't just dump things on our doorsteps; they
are gentler than that. They awaken us to possibilities for
the future, and give us a little time to ponder them. Six
days, in fact.
with Adam Smith
Saturday (March 29): Moon Nodes, Komilla Sutton & Sue Tompkins.
London School of Astrology. 10am, Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston
0700 233 4455;
Tuesday (April 1): Lunar Returns, Angie Biggerstaff.
Suffolk Astrological Society: 7:45pm.
Please double-check with
the organisation before attending any events listed here - we cannot
accept any responsibility for events changed/cancelled.
Are you holding an astrological
event - especially one outside London!! - that you would like others
to know about?
your diary events to Adam
with subject heading: Astro Events with website links.
Please note - we cannot promise to include ALL submissions but will
do our best.
Seeking Assistance
Graham Douglas is
carrying out research into possible astrological relationships between
the births of siblings in the same family. He is looking for sets
of birth data for complete sets of brothers and sisters
of any age. If you are able to help please include date, time and
place of birth, gender of the child,
and (if known) whether or not the birth was natural or induced in
any way.
A report of the findings will be sent to anyone who requests it, when
the investigation is completed.
The email address to contact is
Many Thanks for your help.
If you missed any of Friday's
Astronews articles, click here for Astronews