Sometimes, when we take on a responsibility, after a while it starts to feel burdensome. Sometimes, we make promises which we fully intend to keep, and then situations change and those promises grow heavy in our hearts. Carrying that kind of weight around with us is tiring. So, the good news is that as you move into 2025, you find yourself in a position where you can let go of a burden you've been holding. It's not going to instantaneously disappear. But if you deal with a situation you've been avoiding, your load will lessen.
Your 'Guide to the Future' is packed with the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment you need to make 2025 truly a year to remember. Just for the New Year, we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
Aquarius - Your Weekly Horoscope: There's nothing like a moment of triumph. It's a shame that we can't bottle that feeling up, take it out when we're feeling a bit deflated, and re-experience it. But even the most vivid memories fade with time. We even struggle to recollect details that used to be crystal clear. Your memory of a past success is affecting your assessment of your current situation - and not in a positive way. Luckily, this week brings fresh inspiration. Allow it to transport you to where it wants to take you... because that looks like an ideal destination.
Aquarius - Your January Monthly Horoscope: How many New Years' have you experienced? How many resolutions have you made? And how many have you kept?! How often have you set off into the future filled with high expectations and bright ideas, only to find that life runs along in the same old way? Will 2025 be different? The cosmic message is clear: January won't be an ordinary month for you. The Full Moon, linked with your ruler, Uranus, promises that the chance of a precious hope becoming part of your reality is strong. Your future really does look bright.
Aquarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: It's great, essential even, to have principles. But they have to be tempered with open-mindedness. Our opinions are important. The ethical codes we adhere to help define us. So does our culture, our family, our interests, and our passions. But to really fulfil our potential, we need to honour our deep, emotional responses. Our loyalties and connections go far beyond the realm of the intellect. And sometimes, these matter more than we think. This week, there's a very good case for letting your heart overrule your head.
With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all settling into their new homes, it's all change in the skies in 2025! To celebrate we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
Aquarius - Sat Jan 04, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: There's nothing like a moment of triumph. It's a shame that we can't bottle that feeling up, take it out when we're feeling a bit deflated, and re-experience it. But even the most vivid memories fade with time. We even struggle to recollect details that used to be crystal clear. Your memory of a past success is affecting your assessment of your current situation - and not in a positive way. Luckily, this week brings fresh inspiration. Allow it to transport you to where it wants to take you... because that looks like an ideal destination.
Aquarius - Fri Jan 03, 2025:
What's the point of being hopeful about the year ahead? Surely if something positive is going to happen, it's going to happen whether you're focusing on it (or not)? Whereas feeling optimistic is risky: if things don't go as planned, you've got to deal with feelings of disappointment. Venus might be leaving your sign this weekend, but it leaves a legacy that can stay with you over your next steps along the journey of 2025. With a more positive attitude, and greater faith in those around you, you can make real progress.
Your 'Guide to the Future' is packed with the optimism, wisdom and enlightenment you need to make 2025 truly a year to remember. Just for the New Year, we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
Aquarius - Thu Jan 02, 2025:
Some people are more introverted (or extroverted) than others. But it's a sliding scale. It depends on how we're feeling and the situation we're dealing with. And just because you don't crave constant applause doesn't mean you don't enjoy being appreciated. As you head into the New Year, take a moment to assess the level of acknowledgement you've recently received. You've been doing your best to oversee a difficult situation. If your efforts have been taken for granted, it's time to demand the respect you deserve.
Aquarius - Wed Jan 01, 2025:
In those parts of the world where trees lose their leaves, it's a sign that change is coming. But we don't get upset. We know we're experiencing the natural cycle of life; and that soon enough, they'll be back to their luscious glory. Nature is constantly reminding us of life's rhythm of renewal and revival. As you enter the New Year, and Venus (love and abundance) prepares to leave your sign, know that it's leaving you with the nutrients you need to be able to approach 2025 knowing you've got the tools required to make it special.
For the New Year only, your 'Guide to the Future' at 50% OFF! (plus a free chart and tarot readings.)
Aquarius - Tue Dec 31, 2024:
When someone else has a problem, you're the perfect person to have around. You're brilliant at finding practical ways to solve challenges. If only it were as easy when the problems are yours. But it's hard to be objective when you're the one facing difficulties. As you prepare to enter 2025, you face a selection of options - all of which seem challenging. Today, offers a chance to step back. How would you advise someone else looking at a similar landscape? Listen to your intuition. It knows what you need to do.
Aquarius: - Mon Dec 30, 2024:
On a superficial level, everything looks fine. But you've started to probe, and anomalies are appearing. When some people find themselves in this kind of scenario, they refuse to dig any deeper. They think that if everything looks OK, it probably is OK. But they're not Aquarians! You want the world to be a better place. And if you sense that something's going on beneath the surface, you'll do whatever you can to bring it into the light of day. Your high standards might not make life easy. But in 2025, they'll bring rich rewards.
With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all settling into their new homes, it's all change in the skies in 2025! To celebrate we are offering your Guide to the Future with 50% OFF plus a free chart and tarot readings.
Aquarius - Sun Dec 29, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Even independently-minded Aquarians are so used to being told what to do, and how to follow instructions, and how to fit in, that, when there are no rules to follow, you feel a bit discombobulated. Since you've done (nearly) everything that's been asked of you over the festive season, you deserve this week's chance to be less rulebook orientated. If you find yourself missing the framework, there's a solution. Make up new rules of your own - and follow them! The first, involves giving yourself permission to relax.