You might not be feeling particularly powerful. But you're underestimating your strengths. With your knowledge, experience, and unique outlook, you've got the power and resources to resolve a challenging situation. You're at the centre of the action for a reason; you're the perfect person to guide everyone else through this particular stormy patch. So, stay calm. And be patient. If you can trust that everything is exactly as it needs to be, you'll be able to make insightful decisions that speed you all towards an easy resolution.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Scorpio - Your Weekly Horoscope: The self-replenishing magic porridge pot in the fairytale needed a couple of ingredients in order to produce anything worth eating. If it didn't have any milk or water, those dried oats would be hard to digest! Similarly, a constant supply of gold coins wouldn't have any value unless they could be used to purchase things that brought us (and others) happiness. This New Moon week, as long as you look for ways to make the most of what you've got, you'll be able to appreciate the gifts you're receiving. Share them, and you'll spread joy.
Scorpio - Your January Monthly Horoscope: You're feeling a bit wary about the start of 2025. You've got a feeling there are challenges ahead. It's true that your NY resolutions will be challenging to fulfil (that's because you're dreaming big - which is great!). But aside from those, what you're anticipating as being problematic will be less challenging than you think. Yes, there's a lesson from the past that needs processing before you can move into the next exciting phase of your future. But that shouldn't be difficult. And what you learn will be of huge benefit in 2025.
Scorpio - Yesterday's Forecast:
As we know, history tends to repeat itself. We seem to have an astonishing ability to fail to learn from our past mistakes. But just because that's what we often do doesn't mean we can't change our ways. If a source of trouble in your world seems to be reappearing, you've got a choice. It's not going to be easy. But if you're prepared to assimilate an important life lesson, you'll have the power to break free from a restrictive cycle. The New Moon is bringing you courage. Your task is to find the willingness and resolve. Go for it.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Scorpio - Tue Jan 28, 2025:
When it comes to interpreting the planetary alignments, astrologers learn to use a combination of knowledge and intuition. But we're all, of course, blessed with the ability to tap into our inner resources and blend them with our intellectual prowess. As a sensitive Scorpio, in the Dark of the Moon your instincts are particularly strong. As long as you don't allow doubts and insecurities to cloud your judgement, in this powerful cosmic climate, if you act on a positive instinct, you'll find the inspiration to make a brilliant decision.
Scorpio - Mon Jan 27, 2025:
If you could look into the future, and know what it holds, you'd be able to run towards it, arms outstretched to greet it. But you're dealing with a confusing mix of emotions about what lies ahead. Part of you is feeling anxious... but there's an undeniable sense of anticipation and excitement too. You like a challenge. And your apprehension is due to the fact that you're looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses - whereas the future looks unclear. Yet you can afford to be confident. Keep going. You're on a path to satisfying progress.
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Scorpio - Sun Jan 26, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: There are lots of songs that encourage us to think big and reach for the stars. If we follow their advice, we can make our dreams come true. But they rarely go into details about how we're supposed to make that happen. They don't tend to mention the hard slog and the inevitable disappointments. Which means that like fairy tales, they tend to create unrealistic expectations. But this New Moon week, it's not unrealistic for you to hope to realise a dream that's close to your heart. A bit of effort will bring a delightful reward.
Scorpio - Sat Jan 25, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: The self-replenishing magic porridge pot in the fairytale needed a couple of ingredients in order to produce anything worth eating. If it didn't have any milk or water, those dried oats would be hard to digest! Similarly, a constant supply of gold coins wouldn't have any value unless they could be used to purchase things that brought us (and others) happiness. This New Moon week, as long as you look for ways to make the most of what you've got, you'll be able to appreciate the gifts you're receiving. Share them, and you'll spread joy.
So, what does 2025 have in store for you? Will you get what you've been longing for? Will there be a change for the better? Find out in your 2025 Guide to the Future. Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Scorpio - Fri Jan 24, 2025:
The problem with having a head and a heart is that they don't always agree with one another. When they're not united, depending on which one of them is speaking loudest, we'd like to be able to delete the other one. But just as cars need brakes and accelerators, both are essential. Not only do they keep us safe; if we want to make sustained progress, we need access to both. This weekend, you can perform an inner-balancing act. With a combo of intellect and intuition, you'll be able to make a key decision with confidence.
Scorpio: - Thu Jan 23, 2025:
Social media is jam-packed with internet gurus telling us about techniques designed to help us improve our lives. Yet the simplest secret is under our noses. To feel happy and successful, we just need to want things that are achievable. Then, we'll be able to do whatever it takes to achieve what we want! As Mercury (ideas) links with Mars and Uranus, think about why you desire what you desire. Is it because it's easy to achieve? If you try wanting what you really want, you'll find a way to start manifesting it.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Scorpio - Wed Jan 22, 2025:
There's no point getting involved in an argument just for the sake of it. In fact, in the current cosmic climate, you're better off staying away from any kind of dispute. In order to maximise the impact of the Sun's link to your ruler, Pluto, try not to get entangled in any dramas. It would be much wiser to focus on more creative and constructive matters. You're being blessed with insight. If you use it to empower your discriminatory powers, and focus on things that merit your attention, you'll make a significant, beneficial discovery.