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Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

scorpio Zodiac Sign

Scorpio Horoscope

Fri, 19th April 2024
by Oscar Cainer

Yesterday, we were saying that the definition of insanity is more complex than it sounds. Sometimes, repeating something over and over again brings positive results. Actually, repeating a process demonstrates optimism! If we don't think we're able to change things for the better, we're miserable! And sometimes we have no option but to repeat an exercise and hope for the best. Which doesn't mean there isn't always an option to walk away. But that's not an option for you this weekend. The skies bring positive possibilities your way.

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart - now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!

Your Scorpio forecast for 2024 and Scorpio Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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Scorpio - Your Weekly Horoscope: It feels great when everything falls into place and things work out perfectly. We feel pleased with the decisions we've made and the effort we've put in. And when things go awry? We feel bad. What should we have done differently? Yet we need to be cautious about connecting our feelings to these indicators of success (and failure). Often, things that look perfect turn out to be less-than ideal. And often, problems are blessings in disguise. This week brings a development that might not seem impressive. But it is.

Scorpio - Your April Monthly Horoscope: Self-help gurus talk about keeping things simple. It is, apparently, the key to an easy life. But they go on to detail lots of different ways and approaches we should use to simplify our worlds. Meanwhile, kids are taught simple maths, which they're expected to use to work out ever more complicated equations. It's confusing! Should you go for simple or complex this month? While you can expect the usual kinds of challenges to come your way, if you're prepared to adapt your approach each time, your achievements will be top class.

Scorpio - Yesterday's Forecast:
They tell us that we get good at what we practice. But they also say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. Hmmm... Who are we supposed to believe? It depends, of course, on what you're repeating. If you're practicing the piano, then keep going. But if you're caught up in a negative cycle and just crossing your fingers and hoping it will change, stop. One aspect of your world feels very familiar. But if you think you're making progress... trust yourself. You are!

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!

Scorpio - Wed Apr 17, 2024:
Suppose someone has taken advantage of our kindness? If we allow them to do it again, are we stupid? Or on the road to sainthood? The answer depends on our awareness levels. If we're not prepared to learn from the past, we can repeat the same mistakes over and over again. But if we're conscious of our actions, and are repeating the exercise in the hope of a different outcome, we might end up doing ourselves (and the other person) a lot of good. Since being kind is always positive, make it the base of any decisions today.

Scorpio - Tue Apr 16, 2024:
Our sense of identity is complex. Sometimes, we take on roles that involve pretending to be something we're not. This is a normal part of life's learning; as we gain experience, the new role becomes part of who we are. You find yourself in a position where lots of expectations are being placed on you. And it's influencing your behaviour. But you're not the only person experiencing this pressure. If you make allowances for yourself, you'll have an effect on the other people involved. And the feeling of intensity will start to dissipate.

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart - now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!

Scorpio - Mon Apr 15, 2024:
Some people act like they're part of a specially chosen elite. Like mini dictators, they don't think they need to follow the same codes as the rest of us. Or follow the rules. Since they think they've got all the answers they don't bother asking questions. Are you dealing with someone who's acting in this kind of over-confident way? You might not be able to change them, but that doesn't mean you need to acquiesce. If you share your views, you'll find support from other people. And together you can do what you need to do.

Scorpio - Sun Apr 14, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Psychologists talk about the importance of disagreement within relationships. Not that they recommend it: it's more that falling out (and making up) with someone is a good indication of the depth of mutual understanding. When everything's going OK, everyone's happy. It's how much we respect one another when we don't agree that counts. I'm not suggesting you put this theory to the test this week! But, if you're experiencing tension, don't hide it. By sharing your feelings (especially the more 'difficult' ones) a connection can deepen.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!

Scorpio - Sat Apr 13, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: It feels great when everything falls into place and things work out perfectly. We feel pleased with the decisions we've made and the effort we've put in. And when things go awry? We feel bad. What should we have done differently? Yet we need to be cautious about connecting our feelings to these indicators of success (and failure). Often, things that look perfect turn out to be less-than ideal. And often, problems are blessings in disguise. This week brings a development that might not seem impressive. But it is.

Scorpio: - Fri Apr 12, 2024:
The weekend brings an opportunity you need to seize. When you do, you'll realise not only that the ideas you've been working on are well-thought through, but that success is highly likely. But that doesn't mean all areas of your world will be transformed. Somewhere, in all the excitement, you'll be reminded of a forgotten lesson. It holds the key to sorting out a long-standing problem. It won't be an instant fix. But if you take the teaching on board, you can trust that time will take care of the rest. And focus on your current plan.

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart - now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!

Scorpio - Thu Apr 11, 2024:
Some people can't help giving away their agenda. They try to hold back, but can't stop revealing too much. Other folk stay silent, but their silence speaks volumes. You need information. But the person who would be most helpful isn't responding. It's as if your questions echo around, and come back unanswered. When people don't reply it's usually because they're worried that their words will be unwelcome. Or they don't know what to say. If you phrase your enquiry in a different way, you might get lucky today.

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