On the day of the New Moon in Aquarius, it's time to make some moves. Your negotiation game is on point, and you've got goals to smash and deals to seal. But remember, you've got to kick things off. So, keep a positive mindset, throw out some bold ideas, and hype people up. If someone isn't down to chat, no worries. Keep pushing, and you'll find at least one person who's vibing with you and ready to back your exciting project.
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Sagittarius - Your Weekly Horoscope: When things go wrong, it's tempting to find someone to blame. But before you start pointing fingers, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. There's often something positive happening alongside the chaos. This week, it might be tempting to dwell on what's going wrong. However, if you give it some time, you'll find that a challenging situation could lead to unexpected benefits. The situation, and the part someone plays in it, might not be what they appear.
Sagittarius - Your January Monthly Horoscope: 2025 is going to be your year, and it's got your back. While years don't actually have feelings, this January you'll feel like the universe is on your side. The stars are aligning to give you the support and motivation you need. With Jupiter, your ruling planet, moving retrograde in chill Gemini, you'll find help navigating any challenges that come your way. These obstacles are just setting you up for the next big chapter in your life, equipping you with everything you need to succeed. Things are looking up.
Sagittarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
Growing up, we're taught to spot the differences between things, like telling orange from red or big from small. We're even praised for it. But as we get older, this habit turns into comparing ourselves to others. Are we happier or sadder than someone else? More or less successful? It can quickly become a toxic mindset. The truth is, we never really know what's going on in someone else's life. What truly matters is your own happiness. If you let go of these limiting comparisons today, you'll be amazed at what you find.
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Sagittarius - Mon Jan 27, 2025:
Feeling overwhelmed by choices is totally normal, especially for an adventurous Sagittarius like you. Some people prefer to narrow their focus to avoid the stress of decision-making. But don't let fear of making the wrong choice hold you back. Embrace the unknown and be brave today. You'll make a decision that's worth acting on.
Sagittarius - Sun Jan 26, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Sagittarians possess a natural sense of what is right. You have an intuitive grasp of when you're on the correct path. You thrive on taking creative risks, finding excitement in the unpredictability of a developing narrative. With this week's New Moon, don't be concerned about others' opinions regarding the plan forming in your mind. Follow your own advice and trust your instincts. The journey ahead may not be simple, with unavoidable challenges along the way. However, you will soon realise that you have made an excellent choice.
So, what does 2025 have in store for you? Will you get what you've been longing for? Will there be a change for the better? Find out in your 2025 Guide to the Future. Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Sagittarius - Sat Jan 25, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: When things go wrong, it's tempting to find someone to blame. But before you start pointing fingers, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. There's often something positive happening alongside the chaos. This week, it might be tempting to dwell on what's going wrong. However, if you give it some time, you'll find that a challenging situation could lead to unexpected benefits. The situation, and the part someone plays in it, might not be what they appear.
Sagittarius - Fri Jan 24, 2025:
This weekend is set to offer a range of thrilling opportunities. Your mission is to spot them. However, if you're caught up in trivial distractions and unnecessary worries, this might be a challenge. So, keep an open mind and imagine the cosmic vibes as having your back. Think of fate as an old mate having a bit of fun with you. It's showing you situations that seem one way but are actually another. If you dig deeper into what's happening and keep your goals in mind, you'll discover paths to move closer to achieving them. It's going to be quite fulfilling.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Sagittarius - Thu Jan 23, 2025:
What are your goals, and how quickly do you need to achieve them? Today is a good day to take a breather and evaluate where you currently stand. You don't want to be sprinting up an escalator that's going in the opposite direction when there's another one right next to it that will take you straight to your destination. With Mercury connecting with both Mars and Uranus, you might realise you're exactly where you need to be. A clever, unconventional idea could put you within reach of your goal.
Sagittarius: - Wed Jan 22, 2025:
Governments often craft policies around specific issues, yet it's curious how many politicians dodge direct questions. Rather than giving clear answers, they seem to believe that being vague will earn our trust. We're expected to believe them regardless of their words. Luckily, as a Sagittarian, you're known for your straightforwardness. You value honesty and steer clear of these mind games. Stay true to your beliefs and speak your truth today. You won't regret it.
It's true that these are troubling times. It's hard to makes sense of the world and what's happening in it. But I can tell you about what's going to happen to you in your Guide to the Future 2025 Download Yours Now! (50% OFF! Free Personal Profile and Tarot)
Sagittarius - Tue Jan 21, 2025:
Bank robbers aren't always the criminal geniuses they're made out to be. Often, those who dive into risky, sketchy situations don't really grasp the risks involved and tend to overlook the fallout of their actions. Just because films sometimes show impulsive moves paying off, in reality, it's wiser to think things through and weigh up all the possible outcomes and consequences. With the Sun aligning with enigmatic Pluto today, you're getting a boost of insight to make a really clever decision. No rush, take your time.