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Jemima Cainer
Birth Charts
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancer Horoscope

Thu, 18th April 2024
by Oscar Cainer

You need to be absolutely sure about what you've got before you can be certain about what's missing. And if you can't say for sure that you haven't got something, why would you feel bad about not having it? I don't mean to talk in riddles! But the skies are providing you with clues, and if you're going to decipher them, you need to be thinking clearly. Under this auspicious cosmic climate, what you're lacking is closer to home than you think. But like searching for buried treasure, you need to look carefully to find it. Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.

Your Cancer forecast for 2024 and Cancer Video for 2024 from Jemima.








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Cancer - Your Weekly Horoscope: It's hard to gain a sense of perspective when you're caught in a sequence of important events. You're aware that something big is unfolding - but you're not sure what it's all about, never mind what it leads to. But the fact that you don't understand shouldn't be making you anxious. And there's no point trying to convince yourself that you have all the answers. This week, as we move towards the Jupiter/Uranus convergence, the changes you seek will start naturally unfolding, no matter your mindset. So relax... and trust.

Cancer - Your April Monthly Horoscope: A new month lies ahead of you and, since every day is 'the first day of the rest of your life', you're facing an abundance of opportunities to refresh and recreate your world. If that sounds daunting don't panic! The Solar Eclipse signals change. Your task is to accept that things are transforming, and know that if you allow the changes to unfold, you won't have to go through any more fresh, courageous starts for a while. If you seize the opportunities April brings, the breakthroughs you make will be pleasingly satisfying. And lasting.

Cancer - Yesterday's Forecast:
It's not easy to let go and move on. It helps though, to remember that whenever life seems to be asking us to do that, it's only because we need to make space for something else. If our hands are too full, we can't use them to seize opportunities. It takes a positive mindset to see a potential loss as a potential gain. But if we can access the optimism to adopt this attitude we'll always be rewarded. As lucky Jupiter and Uranus prepare to converge, you're being helped to turn your life around. Look ahead and be inspired. No regrets! Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!

Cancer - Tue Apr 16, 2024:
We tend to take loyalty for granted. It's only when we don't have it that we realise its importance. When people believe in each other they're inspired to give their best, and do what they can to be supportive. And when we work together miracles happen. Which is why if an ambitious project is going to be successful, it needs collaborative teamwork. And it's why it's important that you invest your time and energy into strengthening the key relationships in your world. You can easily get more people on your side.

Cancer - Mon Apr 15, 2024:
Encounters with other people are rarely straightforward. Even basic interactions can lead to misunderstandings. And in our close relationships, there's the added complication of unconscious expectations; we don't even notice them... until they're challenged. Some of yours are being challenged right now. You find yourself rethinking the meaning of an important connection, and wondering what it means to you. It might not be what you want to spend time thinking about. But the answer will lead to a distinct improvement. Give me your date of birth and I will tell you something wonderful about your future. Download your personal horoscope here.

Cancer - Sun Apr 14, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We're not always attracted to people for the right reasons. Some folk, who unconsciously see themselves as victims, are drawn into relationships with people who try to control them. Usually, there are deep, unresolved psychological issues at play in both parties, which give rise to the need to act out a role or a drama in a repetitive way. To some degree, we're all influenced by these kinds of historic issues. This week, with the Sun changing signs, you can break a habit pattern, and improve a connection with someone special.

Cancer - Sat Apr 13, 2024:
Your Weekly Horoscope: It's hard to gain a sense of perspective when you're caught in a sequence of important events. You're aware that something big is unfolding - but you're not sure what it's all about, never mind what it leads to. But the fact that you don't understand shouldn't be making you anxious. And there's no point trying to convince yourself that you have all the answers. This week, as we move towards the Jupiter/Uranus convergence, the changes you seek will start naturally unfolding, no matter your mindset. So relax... and trust. Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!

Cancer - Fri Apr 12, 2024:
Since you're being blessed by a kindly sky, you'll be able to handle the complicated issues that need to be discussed and the matters that can no longer be ignored. As the Sun converges with Mercury this weekend, sensitive communication is key... and that's well within your remit. Be courageous and kickstart the dialogue. It might be uncomfortable at the start, but if you're gently resolute it will lead to moments of great understanding. With clarity about your own position, you'll be able to breathe more freely... and relax.

Cancer: - Thu Apr 11, 2024:
I've drawn a shape on a card and am telepathically sending you the image. Can you tell what it is? Yay! Now, let's switch roles. Focus on your big question, and I'll see if I can intuit it. OK! I've got it! I'll send you the answer when you've got to the end of your prediction! Actually, that exchange sums up the message the cosmos is sending your way. It involves distinguishing between what you think is a 'psychic' connection with someone, and being truly 'in tune' with someone else. Watch out for easy assumptions today. Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.

Cancer - Wed Apr 10, 2024:
Some people believe that opposites attract. And while difference can be powerfully alluring, it's also true that birds of a feather flock together. In your life now, you could do with the assistance of someone who thinks differently to you. With a combination of your strengths and theirs, you could be a real force for progressive change. Making this work will demand mutual respect; but you're a sensitive Cancerian, you know what to do to nurture that. Then, you'll be able to enable someone else, who is more like you, to shine.

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