LIBRA 2003
Money, Career & Wealth for Libra Er... not that these actually ARE shortcomings. In many ways, these little quirks of your character, are the secrets of your success. You have every right and reason to be proud of them. If, sometimes, they make your life difficult, they only do so in much the same way as many of our greatest assets and talents have a tendency to prove cumbersome. We often have to move our whole life around to make room for the things that make us most special � or that others value the most in us.
In 2003 you get to learn more about what you are really good at and how to make the very most of this. You also get to escape from a counterproductive syndrome that often leaves you struggling to make ends meet. And yes, you do also get to enjoy a higher standard of material comfort than you have experienced in quite some while.
Love & Relationships for Libra I mention all this mainly because in 2003 your old patterns will not be played out � and your old techniques won�t work as well anymore. You will have to find new ones and you will discover, to your delight and amazement, that you can... and that they really work! Thus, you will grow more versatile and more adaptable, more easily able to draw on a wider range of emotions and insights. These will vastly enhance your ability to be a better partner, lover and friend � a point which will not be wasted on your many admirers. Emotionally, this the year in which you start needing to compromise a whole lot less.
Psychologically, it is a year in which being you becomes a whole lot less
difficult and a whole lot more enjoyable. And romantically... it is the year
in which you are never without love for long.
Overview for Libra And the cosmos is keen to ask you a key question, �Why can�t you have more faith and more optimism?� If only you had that, think of the power you could wield, the success you could attain and the irresistible air of attraction you could emanate. Every so often, you manage to do this with spectacular results. You know you have it in you. Wouldn�t it be nice to find a way of getting it out of you more easily and effectively? As Saturn and Jupiter move, this year, into new sectors of the celestial sphere, you get blessed with an unparalleled opportunity to rewrite the rule book by which you lead your life. You are being encouraged to question the habit patterns and traditions that you have become ensconced in over many years. Mars, as it comes closer to the earth than at any point in history will also challenge you to re-evaluate your ideas.
You have spent too long
being afraid of other people�s power over you. Now, YOU have power over them!
Use it wisely.
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Artwork by Sally Fisher - All contents and artwork copyright 2003. World rights reserved.