Money, Career & Wealth for Taurus
Strong ideas rob us of subtlety. Fixed viewpoints steal our flexibility. In every area of life other than the financial, this is a shame. This year, you are laudably trying to lose a lot of preconceptions and become more malleable but you do this in the area of income and career at your peril! In these areas of life, you can feel free to be as opinionated and as strong-minded as you like. You will find that most of the time, you are instinctively right, uncannily accurate, through intuition alone. And where you do happen to be wrong, it won�t much matter. Even your mistakes will prove wiser in some ways, than many other people�s best guesses. To say nothing of more rewarding!
Love & Relationships for Taurus If you want to make the most of your potentially amazing year, remember that we live in a world full of people who simply love their labels and adore their definitions. Everything has to fit into a box or be forced to fit into one! Yet soon, you will encounter many factors that you simply cannot categorise instantly, if at all. You will repeatedly find yourself needing to let time pass before you can reach a judgement.
Especially between
April and June, when Mercury is due to spend an extraordinarily long period
of time in Taurus, you will experience an urge to be quick and decisive in
all your dealings. When it comes to affairs of the heart, resist that! Be as
vague as you can for as long you as feel you need to. If you force yourself,
either to keep up a commitment because you feel you should, or to drop one
because you don�t know quite how you feel, it will eventually rebound on you.
A very wonderful new pattern is beginning to emerge. Trust it and give it
time and eventually you will feel very sure about what you need to do. And
nothing wrong will come of any choice you then make.
Overview for Taurus There are going to be moments when you feel ecstatic and moments when you feel as if you have started to live through some dreadful dream. If you want to increase the number of joyous moments and vastly reduce the stressful times, here�s a simple technique. Just make sure, all year long, that you avoid being too harshly judgemental of anyone or anything. Avoid dogmatic opinions. Resist the urge to draw distinct dividing lines between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the acceptable and the unacceptable. Put these only where you absolutely have to put them. And wherever you possibly can keep an open mind, keep one. Mars, as it draws nearer to the earth than ever before in history, is due to be passing right through the part of your chart that governs �alliance and allegiance�. The first rule of every successful friendship �be non-judgemental�. Remember this � and then set out to make friends with every part of your life that currently seems to be your enemy.
For you now really have nothing to fear... other than your own misplaced
preference for the familiar over the unexplored.
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