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You may not �believe� in love at first sight - but you certainly don�t think that it is impossible. Your reactions are powerful, intense and immediate.
Emotions rarely well up slowly within you. Like secret volcanoes, marking the surface of a seemingly calm land, they lie dormant for ages and then suddenly erupt with irreversible consequences. The people you love need to understand this if they are to be fully able to love you in return.
Fortunately, it is rarely a problem. It�s hard, after all, for you ever to form an instant affinity with someone unless they too are highly spontaneous! Two quixotic, quicksilver characters are never likely to lead dull lives or even, come to that, stable ones. So change, drama and excitement are never far from the world of things (and people) you love.
Last week�s transit of Venus resonated in harmony with the position of Venus in your birth-chart but it still threw down a gauntlet of challenge. It effectively urged you to become more conscious of the downside of your impulsive personality. It somehow helped you to see a vision of how different life might be if you were only able to pace yourself just a little more realistically - and be a little more thoughtful about some of the situations that you rush headlong into. You were shown all this, not so that you could stop doing anything you love to do - or change your entire character but so that you could make a minor modification to one particular ingrained habit pattern. You don�t really allow your heart to rule your head but you do take a wildly impatient approach to life sometimes and, in the process sometimes, you miss out on some very magical opportunities that merely need a little more dedicated nurturing. Next, we�ll look more at how all this relates to your love life and your creative potential in general. We�ll examine why the Transit wants you to rethink your approach - and explore the wonderful gift life is now subtly but determinedly attempting to offer you.
Do you sometimes feel as if all your love life lacks in one big bright, idea?
That may sound like a strange thing to suggest to a person whose emotional life is complex yet a single, simple smart thought could yet revolutionise your romantic life. It could remove the need to go through much of the stress and difficulty you currently find yourself facing. It could clear up a source of confusion, allow you to reach long overdue decisions and then set about the business of replacing unsatisfactory situations with far more pleasing scenarios. Things would fall naturally into place if only you had this insight, vision or completely confident conviction. But when are you ever going to have such a �eureka moment?� And what if, when it occurs, the conclusion that it leads you too is wrong? Let�s answer the second question first. You aren�t going to make a mistake. You aren�t going to end up with an awkward error. When your big moment of inspiration arrives, you�re going to automatically understand why it is so perfect. And you�re never going to look back. So now, we must ask when will you get your new, improved understanding of what you need - and what those you love, need from you? The answer is... IT is ready for you now. But are you ready for IT? You�ve been through a lot of change over the past couple of years. You�re given up a lot of bad habits and you�ve set yourself free from ties that were doing you and nobody else any good. But you�ve still got one more brave change to make.
That requires real courage even though the rewards are due to be immense.
The Transit of Venus is urging you to rethink the past and alter your attitude towards the future. Next, we�ll talk more about your great inner turning point, the impact it will have on your ability to get what you want... and how you can make it all happen more rapidly.
"I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want..." so sang the Spice Girls back in the last century. We all still remember the song but we are all still none the wiser about what it is that they really wanted. Nor, by the looks of things are they. Long after they all found at least some degree of money, stardom, even creative self expression... they still appeared to be searching for something elusive. Now, even though some have a level of fame that rivals royalty and a level of wealth to match... there�s still some doubt about whether they are people that any of us would really, really want to swap places with.
That�s aspiration for you. If there�s one thing in this world that�s potentially more destructive than the frustration of a failed ambition, it�s the tension that stems from a success turned sour.
We must never forget how it is possible to 'have it all' and still feel, sometimes, as if you have very little. You may soon be about to be allowed to 'Have it all'. So you need to be careful about the particular 'all' that you want to have. But as long as you are, you�ve got a wonderful few years in store.
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