Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

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Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder. Frankly, though, that rather depends on who the beholder happens to be. Who else but you can be reliably declared the ultimate arbiter of all things attractive... or otherwise? You were born blessed with an ability to see something worth admiring in most people - and most situations. You have a radar like ability to home in on and make the most of life�s most delicate, delightful tastes, flavours, styles and shapes. Appearances don�t count for everything but you are fully aware of how much difference you can make by playing up the best and playing down the rest. Other people, who know how to work the same sort of presentation magic, appeal to you. You appreciate the effort they are going to - and you know they will give due credit to the subtle way you sprinkle fairy dust over seemingly ordinary things. This enthusiasm for the good and the glamorous can occasionally make your gaze glaze over the bad and the ugly. Hence a concern that you might become dazzled by beauty that is not much more than skin deep. You are though, never fooled by anything or anyone for long. Your own natural creativity causes you to ask questions, sooner or later, that can only be met by honest answers. Relationships though, sometimes stay much steadier if such questions are not asked too often. You don�t care. You�d rather rock a boat and find out where its true balancing point lies in the water of life... than wait till a big wave comes rolling along and forces you to find out the hard way. Venus, of course, rulers Libra - so the recent Transit of Venus has had an exceptionally powerful impact on your heart. Next, I shall explain more about how a bunch of much needed improvements are about to come into your world and things are due to start looking (and feeling) a whole lot better.

Once upon a time, there was a frog. He lived, all on his own, on a ledge... just above the waterline in a rather deep well. Then, one day, he heard a splash. He looked up and saw another frog. 'Hi there!' said the visitor. 'Where have you come from?' asked the frog. 'Oh, I�ve just popped in from the outside world.' came the reply. 'I live by the side of a big lake, nearby.' 'A big lake?' said the frog. 'How big, precisely?' The frog made a gesture towards the bucket, dangling on a chain over his head. 'Bigger than that?' 'Oh yes. Much bigger' said the visitor. The frog pointed towards the wall of the well. 'Ah... but not bigger than this though, eh?' 'LOADS BIGGER' said the visitor. 'Go away with your rubbish.' said the frog.
Venus has just passed in front of the face of the Sun for the first time in our lifetime. In doing so, it has presented you with a message not dissimilar to that of the visiting frog. Nearer to your heart than you know is a world of love, much bigger than you can yet imagine. Your idea of 'where the limits lie' is based on inexperience. You had better revise it fast.. or risk letting the opportunity of a lifetime pass you by. Between now and 2012 the planets intend to relentlessly conspire until eventually, by hook or crook, they shake you out of a stale situation and allow you to recognise the full extent of what�s possible. Don�t wait for the pressure to mount. Take the hint. Trust the suggestion. Explore the option that is already starting to arise. Of course you can�t be sure that there�s really any substance to an exciting sounding promise that is already being made. But surely you owe it to yourself to drop your cynicism and experiment. Next we�ll look more carefully at the rules you don�t have to be bound by and the horizons you can feel safe to explore.

To enjoy the happiness and fulfillment you so much deserve in the months and years ahead, all you need to do is alter an idea about who you are and where you are going in life. By this, I am not trying to imply that all you have to do is reduce your level of expectation and then you will feel automatically happier. Rather, the sky is suggesting that you�ve already got something in your world which is far better than you realise. Your first big step on the journey towards increased future prosperity and well-being, is to recognise this. The moment you do, you�ll also recognise why so many of your dreams are likely to be easier to fulfill than you think. You don�t have to worry about wasting money. You don�t even have to worry about wasting time.
You are about to realise that nothing in your past has been wasted and nothing in your future is going to go to waste. For you are about to see the hidden rhyme and reason behind all that has lately taxed and tested you.
And this in turn is due to reveal the simple secret to success, at all levels in life, sooner than you think.
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