Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

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You are so sharp that sometimes, you cut yourself! That�s the downside of being born with Venus in Gemini but given the numerous creative talents that this allows you to develop, it is hardly a side effect worth worrying about. Even if you do end up with the occasional self inflicted psychological wound, you are blessed with an impressive capacity for rapid recovery.
There�s never yet been a problem that you have failed to see a solution to.
In your love life though, this combination of confidence and cleverness has sometimes proven itself to be more of a double edged sword. Partners; past and present can be easily charmed by your silvery tongue, but may eventually tire of the suggestion that they are not �thinking hard� enough. Your competitive streak can also cause you to upset more sensitive souls - who do not necessarily share your fascination with the contrary and the contentious or who take your casually combative stance too seriously. The transit of Venus has taken place in your Venus sign - and the next one too, in 2012, falls in the same sector of the sky. That�s a clear sign that it�s time to think again about the way you conduct some of your �emotional business�.
It�s also a suggestion that you are growing tired of �thinking your way through life� and would like to feel your way to a future in which you are free to be less logical, more intuitive. There�s nothing stopping this, other than a long established tendency to see yourself in a particular light, compounded by a reputation that you have spend a long time cultivating. Others think of you as someone with an answer to every question. There may be some resistance as you now start asking questions to which there are seemingly no answers. But as you now finally dare to face up to personal issues which, prior to now you have denied the very existence of, there�s going to be amazing movement and magic. Next, we�ll look at the new life of love and the new love of life, which you will soon have.

Last week�s rare transit of Venus took place in your own Venus sign. That, all on its own, is a clear sign from the sky that you�re going through something exceedingly special. As the second rare Transit, in 2012, will also be in Gemini, we can safely conclude that you�re entering a long, exciting phase of positive, personal growth. Er.. hang a minute. Personal growth? Isn�t that a sort of 'new-age, psychobabble euphemism for inner conflict and awkward experience?' Well, yes, it is... and no, I won�t pretend that your journey through the next eight years is due to be entirely free of challenge. But grow, you will. And as you acquire greater psychological height, so you will easily start to rise above emotional problems that currently seem to loom dauntingly over your head. You�ll go far past the limitations that currently confine you. You�ll become much more of the person you were always destined to be. And that will make it much easier to recognise and respond appropriately to the person you were always destined to be WITH. The learning curves you encounter on your journey towards a happier future may be steep at times but they�ll never cause you to slide back down the slippery slope towards ignorance. The changes may take a bit of getting used to but once you do adapt, you�ll never look back.
All the events you encounter will have but one simple purpose. To help you fulfill your potential. So prepare to develop more of your talent. To release the gift you were born blessed with. To learn who you really are and what you�re capable of. To impress yourself and others in the process. To win friends and influence people. To become more creative, more inspired, more attractive and more able to weave spells of enchantment. Oh, and one more thing. To enjoy yourself. Next, we will look at more of the blessings that this transit of Venus is due to bestow on you.

Some people believe you can�t know true pleasure until you have known real unhappiness. They say, "There's no gain without pain." and, as we all know how it feels to have a hard time and we don�t want to feel that such experiences are futile, we concur.
Yet we don�t actually know that it is true. No carefully controlled laboratory experiment has taken place, involving volunteers separated by scientists into two groups. Group A has not been made deeply miserable while Group B has been kept cheerful. A series of tests have not then established, beyond doubt, that the ones who went through sadness wound up more able to enjoy life than those who had it easy.
Whatever science thinks or finds, the laws of the universe have not all been understood. Even Newton�s assertion, that what goes up must come down, is not true under all circumstances. The psychological statement that parallels this is most certainly unproven. Between now and at least the next Venus Transit in your sign in 2012, you may have your ups and downs. But what goes up may, even if it does dip briefly down from time to time, keep on rising steadily for many years to come.
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