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The textbooks are coy about the meaning of this Venus placement. To be born, they suggest, with the planet of love in the sign of passion is to be... er... well... ahem, ahem. Actually though, it is not so straightforward. Scorpio is an extremely spiritual, sensitive sign. It bestows intuition and imagination upon the mind, far more than it sends a flood of blood to the nerves of the nether regions. To have Venus in Scorpio merely means that whatever in life you give yourself to, you will want to give yourself to it with all your heart and soul. Maybe not forever. Maybe for only a fleeting, breathless moment. But then, they do say that in a second of surrender is an eternity of delight. That�s why some of life�s most temporal pleasures are seen as part of a quest for permanence. It may even be why a hunger for immortality is often expressed as a yearning for immorality. I�m not suggesting anything here.. other than that you are capable of bold thoughts and controversial visions. Some of your private thoughts might shock those of a more timid temperament. This daring ability to think the unthinkable is what makes you so energetic and accomplished, what gives you such insight and invention and what lets you detect, in an instant, sincerity from superficiality. It is also, of course, what makes you difficult to be with at times. We live in a world full of people who, when they see challenge walking towards them, cross the street. Even when opportunity knocks on their door, they draw the curtains and pretend to be out. Your deep desire is for a life that never stops surging with electricity. Your lover had better have an equal ability to accept high voltage. If you�ve already got your match, hang on tight. If not, keep your eyes open. The transit of Venus has cleared away something that once stood between you and a full experience of life�s greatest joy. Next, I'll explain how you�re soon due to start getting a lot of what you love the most.

Our hearts are notoriously difficult to listen to. Just as doctors need special stethoscopes to hear what how our physical centres are behaving, we require intense sensitivity to recognise the message from our spiritual focal point. We think we�re listening to some deep inner voice... and then realise we are merely responding to some passing whim or fleeting fear.
Our hearts are often not as fussy as we think. They couldn�t care less about a lot of the details that our minds consider crucially important. But in one or two key areas, our hearts have exceedingly strong preferences. We do ourselves few favours if we try to override these. Right now, there�s a lot of logic in your life. You�re hearing some exceedingly sensible arguments.
You are recognising some undeniably persuasive pressures. Yet illogical and unreasonable though your deeper desires may be... you can�t just close your eyes and make them go away. Nor, ideally, can you let them tear your life in two. So the Transit of Venus marks the arrival of a challenge. Somehow, you need to reconcile passion with practicality. You have to reach for a new dream without destroying an old accommodation. You have to do something for the sake of your sanity and self respect, even though it seems unlikely that this will gain you understanding, let alone approval. You are used to standing your ground and defending life�s tougher, braver choices. But this is a big matter with big consequences. This is about what you do with most of your heart for the next few years. Or rather, what you allow your heart to do with you.
That�s going to require clarity. For until or unless you are sure of what you think and feel, nothing you say or do is quite going to hit the spot. Next, we�ll look more closely at the truth about what you truly do want... and at how this transit of Venus may yet help you actually get it!

So what, precisely, was the desire that Venus, the wish-granter, was offering to help you fulfill during that recent historic transit across the face of the Sun? What were you hoping for that day? What were you wrestling with, worrying about, striving for or dreaming of? Cast your mind back.
Recollect your memories and sift them carefully. Because either in 'symbolic essence' or at a directly literal level, that 'big hope' is the one you are likely to spend the next few years focusing on. Is that a shame? Might you, had you only known the power of the day, tried to make sure you were focusing on some different objective? Well, thankfully Venus is not about strategy. It is all about inspiration and natural serendipity. You WERE in the right place at the right time on that day, even if you thought it was 'all wrong'. And whatever you wanted most, you WILL soon see a way to get.
Rather delightfully, it will turn out to be the very thing you need more than anything else in the next few months and years. All you need to contribute to the process, other than a lot of honest effort at certain obvious moments, is as much sensitivity and sincerity as you can muster.
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