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Click here to go back to the Intro You are deeply loyal. It usually takes you a long time to set your feelings free but once you unleash them, they never quite die down again. That�s why you are capable of pursuing the same vision, year after year. And of giving your heart to a commitment, even when every part of your head is trying to tell you that there�s no point. Many people find these tenacious, caring qualities in your character extremely attractive. Not so many though, are truly worthy of the love you have to give. Indeed it sometimes seems as if you inadvertently draw into your world, relatively needy or even lazy individuals who know that, as long as they can play on your sense of duty, you will take care of their needs. Of course there are those too, who respond in kind and, in your life right now, there is at least one very wonderful individual who fully appreciates how exceptional you are. But the Transit of Venus has somehow caused you to see your love of security in a different light. You are starting to wonder how often you settle for second best due a desire to protect and maintain a suspect status quo. You are also imagining how much better off you might be if you could only be a little more realistic and pragmatic about how you invested your money and with whom you invested your time. Without compromising the arrangements in your life that are clearly worthwhile, you have to find some way to reduce your involvement in an awkward or energy sapping situation. You have to seek some way to increase, instead, the amount of time doing things you truly enjoy with people who really mean the world to you - instead of just going through motions that don�t truly satisfy. The good news? There�s not only a will, there�s undoubtedly a way and, over the next few weeks and months, you are sure to find it. Next, I�ll explain more about how it is all finally going to prove possible. As I explained, the recent rare transit of Venus represents good news for your financial situation. It does. But that�s not a promise of imminent endless wealth. Venus wants to give you greater emotional security before she provides in the material sense. And it may even be that before things get better for you on the economic front, they first get a little more challenging. We�re looking here, at the start of an eight year journey that may have many twists and turns to take you on before it delvers you to your destination. Money, you may or may not get more of in the short term. Stability though, you undoubtedly will enjoy. Soon. There�s about to be a greater sense of power, strength and of being supported. You�re being shown something about how to get more of what you truly need from life. And how to help others get more of what they need, too. Within just a few weeks, you�ll find you are wiser, more conscious, more aware and more incisive when it comes to seeing what�s required and how to meet that requirement. Alongside an enhanced ability to see what�s needed will come a deepened understanding of what�s not needed. What can be done without. What can be let go of, moved on from, kissed goodbye and forgotten. Why should this be bad of sad? Because sometimes, especially in the romantic arena, we secretly enjoy hanging on to empty dreams and futile aspirations. They comfort us. And we feel naked without them. We don�t like waking up from our own enchanting fantasies and others, even those we normally feel close to and able to say anything to, don�t always like being reminded of realities either. You�re going to have to be tactful soon. Next, we�ll discuss the upside and downside of this heavenly blessing that�s due to give you so much that others may yet envy or resent.
Last week�s rare transit of Venus set in motion a chain of events which should eventually make you wealthier. Between now and the next transit in 2012, you will make financial progress in leaps and bounds. You will eventually look back and wonder how you ever coped with so few resources.
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