Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

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Some people like to plan things well in advance. Others prefer to make things up as they go along. You though, simply like to imagine the impossible and then instantly bring it into being - whenever it suits.
That�s neither a criticism nor a compliment. It�s just a simple statement of fact. Things fall into place when you need them to. Usually. Probably, that would be 'always' were it not for your propensity to push your luck. You like to chance your arm. A little devil may care grin creeps over your face when told about something that 'cannot happen.' Rather than feel daunted, you stop for a moment and think about the people you know, the tricks you have learned, the resources you have available to you. Then, working on the assumption that these all must have been gifts from a cosmic guardian who knew more than you did about what you might require one day, you think laterally. What ELSE can you do with your assets? That�s how you get your apparently effortless ability though to surf on the sea of serendipity. Of course you fall off your board and end up in deep water from time to time but then, it�s just a question of getting back your strength and trying again. All this explains why in love, you�re not an easy person to partner. You are giving and caring; generous almost to a fault. But the fact that you are so free with your support and affection makes it hard for true loved ones to feel sure that your feelings for them are special. And you do jealously guard your freedom... even to the point where sometimes, due to a desire not to feel trapped you cut off your nose to spite your face. The Transit of Venus has shown you something very important, lately, about the whole business of partnership. More revelations and delightful developments in this area of your life are due soon, as I shall explain next.

People talk a lot about finding their purpose in life - or about coming to the earth to learn a lesson. I�m always fascinated by such comments but I can�t help wondering how true they really are. Surely, if we have something particular to 'do' here on this planet, we can manage it in a few weeks � or maybe, if it is really complicated, a few years. And what lesson can be so hard, so demanding, so baffling that it takes up to 70 years to learn?
And what about the notion that we have come to this earth in order to meet a certain special someone. Is that just romantic nonsense? Or is there actually something in it? It is likely that you will find out pretty soon.
The Transit of Venus took place in the most emotionally challenging yet potentially most romantically rewarding part of your chart. It effectively laid out a map of your journey ahead. It decreed, in its alignment, that you are about to go further down the most difficult road than any human being can ever follow being urged and invited, the whole time, to learn the only lesson that probably does take an entire lifetime (possibly longer) to absorb.
Because between now and 2012, when a further Transit occurs in precisely the same part of the sky, the primary focus of your heart is going to fall directly and repeatedly on �close personal relationships�.
If that thought fills you with dread, don�t be dismayed. Soon you�ll find out a lot more about why you can�t always get along well with certain other people and how those bonds and connections can be improved. And if reading the above has made you want to say 'Fine. I�m good at that kind of thing' look out! You may be about to discover that you are not quite as good at it all as you imagined. But for all that it becomes more intense, your life soon will become a lot more full of love, compassion and companionship. We�ll look at what else this will lead to, next.

'Charity, they say, begins at home.' But actually it is far easier to be kind and supportive towards a stranger than to forgive a close companion whose behaviour has irritated you beyond measure. We can all go out into the big wide world and gain respect for our endeavours. Those who know us well are far less easily impressed. And, of course, it�s simplicity itself to maintain a warmly cordial relationship with a passing acquaintance. But when the two of you are cooped up in an adverse environment for a long while, things become very different. The wonderful challenge that the Transit of Venus has laid down before you involves dedicating a substantial portion of the next few years to a tremendously tricky undertaking. You are about to deepen a profoundly important relationship of trust and understanding with someone and, ultimately with several someone�s, who are almost as cussed and contrary as you are. That�s not going to be easy - but among the many benefits will be a heartwarming sense of belonging plus the numerous tangible benefits than ensure from achieving, as part of a team, far more than you might ever have expected to be able to do alone. And among the many wonderful things you do together will be some memorable and, in their own way, world-changing acts of compassion.
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