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You love creating order out of chaos. So much so that sometimes, you have been known to reduce a structure to ruins, just so that you can have the fun of rebuilding it better. Your vivid imagination enables you to see a thousand solutions to every potential problem. Your acute discrimination then enables you to extract, from these myriad alternatives, the most ideal conclusion. But only after you have allowed the whole range of options to pass before your eyes like changing images on a kaleidoscope of confusion.
When the wheel stops turning, when the mists clear, when the moment of uncertainty has passed, all is sure. Others may not even ever realise quite how far into the depths of doubt you have descended. But those who are close to you need to understand that to some extent, your psyche is like a submarine. You will inevitably need to spend a fair amount of time each day, deep below the surface of your own subconscious, meditating on a private world of mysterious thoughts and images - before emerging full of inspiration and clarity, once more. Few if any will ever be able to follow you to those deep waters nor will they ever receive a satisfactory explanation of where you have been. Those who love you and who you love in return, therefore, must be sensitive enough to spot when you need space and strong enough too, to see when support is more appropriate. In return, they�ll be treated to the company of someone who can take an interest in any topic and see with a wise, witty and wide open mind, a new angle to any situation. The Transit of Venus is due to have a far reaching effect on your love life and your creative life too. You can soon expect to work the kind of magic that once you only ever dreamed of. Problems won�t vanish, indeed they may even seem to increase at first, but ways to tackle those difficulties will always easily be found. And some of these, as I shall explain next, will form the building blocks of a new happiness that lasts you the rest of your life.
Home, they say, is where the heart is. But actually, for most us, most of the time, it is the other way around. The heart ends up striving as best it can, to be wherever the home happens to have ended up being.
You may or may not be soon about to see a change on the geographical front but really the Transit of Venus is about a re-assessment of where you live in the wider sense. Where you belong in this world emotionally. Psychologically. Spiritually. Where do your loyalties lie? What are your true affinities and involvements? How much of your life is spent trying to 'fit in' and how tired are you of feeling, so often, like a square peg being squeezed into a round hole?
Life is short. Too short for the wrong kind of compromise. The 'right kind' is fine. We all have to reach that from time to time. But when we find ourselves walking on our knees so as not to tower too high above the folk who are so much shorter than us, we eventually have to ask whether it is not time to draw ourselves up to our full height. You deserve more, from your love life, than you are currently allowing yourself to receive. You are somehow accepting limitations and restrictions which you really do not have to put up with and in the process, you are robbing yourself of the ability to nurture and develop a great creative talent.
To do that, you need the company of someone who will support you and who will encourage you to grow rather than subtly persuade you to exist within unnecessary restrictions. Between now and the next Transit of Venus in 2012 you will achieve that much deserved change. Some of it will come about through an alteration in your physical circumstances but most, as I shall explain next, will happen naturally due to a wonderful awakening in your spirit that finally allows you to unleash your true power and potential.
'Och, wud sum gift the giftie gie us, to see oursels as others see us.'
These fine words from the poet Rab Burns neatly sum up the hardest task in the world of human relationships. We can have no idea how we appear in other people�s eyes. Even if we strive to make the right impression of wrestle for ages with the possible ways in which our words and actions might be understood, we�ll never get the whole picture. There will always be an element of mystery. And so it should be - for that�s part of what makes life challenging and interesting. Apart, that is, from when it is making it exasperating and exhausting. The Transit of Venus has effectively blessed you with the nearest thing you will ever get to a magic mirror. Not only will it show you things about yourself that you never saw before � it will help you show others how they too are perceived. And though that�s sure to bring about some temporary tensions it is ultimately going to produce a lot of deeper sympathy, empathy and understanding. Prepare to start leading a life in which you become a lot more confident about how far you can go... and in the process, discover that you�ve got more wonderful 'emotional destinations' open to you than you ever realised.
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