Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

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You love the simple life. Your needs are modest, your aspirations, reasonable. Others may lust after the finest creature comforts and the most exciting social lives but such things marked no impression on your heart. All you want is a little depth, warmth, commitment, communication. A little caring, sharing, empathy and sympathy. A willingness to listen and to talk, to trust and to support, to weather storms and celebrate sunshine. A kindred spirit. A special friend. A hobby buddy, a chore partner, a travel companion, a supper pal, a... well... it�s really difficult to avoid writing this list without uttering the phrase you want me to use... that I want to use... and yet which both of us know it is unwise EVER to employ. Because let�s be honest, there�s nothing especially simple or modest about aspiring to find a soul mate. At least half your life is spent dreaming about discovering such a being. The other is spent wondering whether you have truly attained this ideal relationship - or whether the various outbreaks of tension between you are just inevitable side effects of life on an imperfect planet... or reasons for looking harder still... elsewhere. Somewhere in this equation is the realisation that, for all you claim to have modest, simple needs you are actually have outrageously high hopes and ideals. You are, of course, willing to compromise. Almost too willing at times. You are something of an expert in the art of giving way. It�s one of the greatest talents Venus has blessed you with. Yet whenever you do so through a sense of obligation and not with the full consent of your heart, you end up developing a sense of resentment that can take some while to shake off. All of which makes life anything but simple. The transit of Venus though, has now brought you to a turning point. Life in the future will contain less of the wrong kind of compromise and much more of the type that brings true fulfillment. As I shall explain, in more detail, next.

If you want to understand how last week�s Transit of Venus is eventually going to bring you more power and fulfillment in your love life.. and in other areas of life too, you need to understand that the event took place in the part of your chart that governs 'an involvement with institutions'. You can�t see the connection? Well, think back to how you felt when you are at school. That was one of the first institutions you had any involvement with and it made a lasting mark on your character. To this day, you do certain things as a direct result of what you were taught and what you experienced at a particular educational establishment. Some of these lessons, you still benefit from. Others, somehow, caused you to doubt yourself or feel afraid of something or someone.
In the phase between now and the next Venus transit, in 2012, which will once again arise in the very same sector of the sky, you can expect to clear away a lot of the unnecessary anxiety that you still carry secretly in your heart. You can also expect to gain a level of self confidence and authority that has so far eluded you. Although you know how to present yourself as a person of status when you need to, there�s often a sense in which you inwardly feel as if you are putting on an act. You have to hide vulnerability behind a mask of confidence. Somehow, simultaneously, you need to relax and open up more whilst, at the same time, developing the art of being more assertive about what you truly need. The process will take a while. It will, to some extent, continue a journey you have already been taking. But as of now, you�ll find you get further quicker. And you may yet discover that you are heading for a different and much more inspiring destination than you previously realised. Next, I�ll say more about this new direction.

Is there, somewhere in this big wide world, a you-shaped space? Will you ever, on this planet full of compromises and disappointments, ever find the sense of completion you yearn for. Can you, with any degree of realism, expect the next few ears to bring you all that the last few have so resolutely refused to release?
Just in case you are wondering, the answers to all the above questions are the same. Last week�s rare transit of Venus entitles you to confidently assume a three letter word, beginning in y and ending in s. A new era is beginning for you now. A new way of being is presenting itself. A new way of looking at life is emerging. Forget all you know, or think you know, about what can or can�t be done. Forget too, all you have ever decided to settle for in the past or have felt obliged to accept, somewhat reluctantly.
Perfection may not exist on this earth but there is a way of recognising the perfection within imperfection. And you�re about to get closer than you have ever been to something that�s about as ideal as anything ever gets.
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