Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

2005 Year Ahead predictions
PART FOUR - 7th January 2005 - FINAL UPDATE
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(Jul 24 - Aug 23)

We all know the story. We have come across it in a thousand fairytales. Up pops a wish-granting fairy. Or a magical leprechaun. Or a generous genie. As fast as they can utter the words 'What would you like?' our central character has made the WRONG request! They've wasted their wish on some silly, passing need. Or they have failed to think through the full implications or their order and are now obliged to spend eternity dealing with unwanted side-effects. We can't have that happening to you this year, so we'd better start thinking about which particular boon you really do require the cosmos to grant you.

For, on several occasions in the first few months of 2005, you will, effectively, encounter that genie. Don't wish for the ability to make lots of wishes. Wish, instead, for wisdom. If you have that, you'll have everything else you require to get you happily through this rather intense time. Though 2005 contains plenty to propel you towards the fulfilment of several special ambitions, it also contains much with the potential to create doubt, distraction, consternation and confusion. The more accurate your inner compass, the more easily you'll be able to make the choices that lead to satisfaction and the less likely you'll be to be led by anger, anxiety or debatable desire. Recognise as much and prioritise the need to get to know yourself better. You'll then find that others become much more easily able to get to know (and like) you. This will not only help in relationships, it will help your dealings at work or in all 'ambition-fulfilling' capacities. In wishing for the ability to 'know what's right' you won't be consigning yourself to a frustrating future in which you can forever see what OUGHT to be happening but are unable to make it occur. What's right has to be practical and attainable or it isn't right. It's merely theoretical. And that's wrong!

So relax. Be slightly less specific for a while about what this year's big target needs to be. Let the influence of the new planet, Sedna, show you how you can grow stronger, more authorative and more powerful simply by being calmer, clearer and kinder. And, bit by bit, you'll make miracles occur in 2005.
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In 2005, around the time of your birthday, Saturn will move into your sign. It will remain there for two and a half years, allowing you to resolve more than two decades worth of open questions and unsatisfactory issues, in one short, intense phase. From a financial point of view, this is a blessing. This is the year when you begin to finally see what works for you and what doesn't, and make decisive commitments which cut unnecessary expenses and increase efficiency.

Does that sound scarily like a spot of belt-tightening is called for? Well, you will, it's true, make radical revisions soon. But these will be the result of inspired ideas, not impossible demands. You'll simply see more clearly what you want and thus what you don't. So it will be much easier to redirect your time, energy and money accordingly. It will also be much easier to see how, in many ways, your time and energy is much more precious than your money.

Right now, you appreciate the truth of this in theory but in practice, you are overwhelmed by a concern about keeping wolves from doors. If you want to gain a real head start on your finances in 2005, try asking yourself why there's so much wolf food, just below your front porch? Might you be so bothered about something that you think you want or need that you are actually exacerbating a problem? Things, in 2005, will work out well but they may not work out at the pace you want them to and some things may get worse before they get better. The new planet Sedna, though, from her position in the part of your chart that governs status, has a clear message for you. If you're going to see every move in what appears to be the wrong direction as a crisis, a nightmare or a drama, then you're going to go through a great deal of finger-clenching anxiety which is actually avoidable and unnecessary. So don't. Summon your faith, your air of authority and your patience. Time and effort will take care of all the rest.
Download a complete set of personal predictions from Jonathan based on your date, time and place of birth - click here

Scientists, of course, don't believe that love exists. They say there's no proof of it, anymore than there's any proof in astrology or in God, for that matter. All such airy fairy things, they say are 'figments of the human imagination'. Every so often though, even scientists fall in love. And then, their opinions rather rapdily alter. Cynicism is extremely understandable - even amongst those who do not hail from a scientific background. Anyone who has ever experienced a relationship turning sour... or who has ever felt alone, isolated or estranged can identify with that frame of mind. You've come close to developing just such an attitude at several points recently. Difficult experiences have tested your faith and disappointing moments have left you guarded. You suspect that 2005 will simply be about trying to play the game and having to go through the motions. I can assure you, though, that you will end up extremely happy in the coming year and that to acheive this rare and wondrous state, you will neither need to lower your standards nor wear blinkers.

You may though, have to face a few facts. We do, after all, come into this world alone and leave it alone. Any relationship we ever forge at any point in-between those two events can only ever ultimately be a temporary thing. No one person can meet absolutely all of any other person's needs. Acceptance of such a fact is not about admitting defeat. It is about welcoming in the emotional intelligence and maturity that Sedna, the newly discovered planet at the edge of our solar system, has come here to help us all develop. Once this understanding has been reached though, it is still perfectly possible to experience such a depth of communication and belonging as to convince us that, yes, love really does exist after all. You'll get your delightful proof of this soon.

Remember please, that planet earth is famously a place full of challenges. Nonetheless, this is going to be a very pleasing year for you in many respects and particularly in respect of your ability to get really close to someone you want to get really close to.
Would you like to know more about the planets in 2005? Find out with a personal chart from Jonathan based on your date, time and place of birth - click here

Take away the letter 'B' from the word 'stable'... and you get the reason why so many people prefer the excitement of insecurity. When everything is solid, we tend to feel stiff. When it is all arranged, we can become a little deranged. When we know exactly where we stand, we become much more inclined to go wandering! We may claim we want everything to be under control but inwardly a part of us yearns to freewheel wildly.

These are points about which you are all too well aware, not least because the new planet, Sedna, is now occupying the part of your chart that governs authority and status. You are starting to gain more of both than you have ever had before. Yet you are not so sure that this suits you. Indeed, it seems as if some of your recent attempts to be restrained have left you feeling strained. You even suspect that doing the right thing has had the wrong result.

It hasn't. You are on the right track.

But it is true to say, as we move into 2005, that your big challenge involves gaining the ability to truly enjoy stability. That means, to some extent, accepting the fact we live in a crazy world... and the craziest inhabitants of all are the ones who imagine that somehow, one day, they will be able to restore order. There are, indeed, many who argue that the whole of life is like trying to run up the 'down escalator'. If you endlessly rise to such challenges you can easily exhaust yourself. Even such apparent pessimists, though, don't dispute the fact that if you have enough confidence and you really try, you can make something happen. They just point out that you have to do a lot of trying... and that it will help if you know what it is that you want to make happen. You're ready now, to try. You're also ready, though you may not know it yet, to succeed. And as for what else you may be ready for... well, we'll look at your romantic outlook in Part Two!
Let Jonathan show you what 2005 has in store for you with a personal chart based on your date, time and place of birth - click here

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  Aries   Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Artwork by Sally Fisher. All contents and artwork copyright 1994-2005. World rights reserved.