Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

2005 Year Ahead predictions
PART FOUR - 7th January 2005 - FINAL UPDATE
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(Oct 24 - Nov 22)

2005 will bring the opportunity to disentangle yourself from some of the involvements and engagements which eat up so much of your time, but give so little back. Soon, you'll get a chance to make a difference. You'll get involved in a project that means a great deal and you'll make a contribution that causes you to glow with pride.

If you have been feeling restless lately, it is probably because, inwardly, you have been able to sense this shift. Or it could be because you've grown nervous of something big but vague - a realisation that great changes are afoot yet that you don't quite know yet what they will entail. You're also of course, concerned that some of your big decisions in 2004 did not turn out as well as you had hoped they would. That's feeding a mood of apprehension about 2005. You don't want to compound errors or repeat mistakes. Yet certain stories are far from fully told. You may yet discover that your calculations have been a lot smarter than you realised.

Jupiter's eventual arrival in Scorpio is a once-in-a-decade development that will cause you to stride confidently into 2006 in a real mood of hope and enthusiasm. Your journey there won't be entirely without its peaks and troughs - and it is just possible that there'll be a dark moment or two in the coming year when you begin to suspect that once again, it has all gone wrong. But it won't have done! Don't let a sense of guilt or false obligation turn your attention away from the vital objectives that you need to focus on. Stick, please, with what you have always known you had to do if you were ever going to be all that you were born to be. 2005 is about helping others and it is also about learning to be happy, even when the circumstances might, in some ways, give you reason to feel unhappy.

There's a spark of the divine in everyone and a spark of magic in everything. Your challenge, this year is to learn to see that spark and then to fan it into a roaring flame. It's a task you'll soon prove exceedngly good at - and that you will eventually be greatly rewarded for.
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Later in 2005, Jupiter will make its way into your sign for the first time in over a decade. That will have a powerful, positive influence in many areas and it will also help you become better off. None of this, though, is due to happen rapidly. There may well be moments in the early part of 2005, when things don't go so smoothly and you find yourself wrestling with difficult issues.

It should be remembered that we are all here on this planet to overcome our fears. The universe, consequently, has to keep finding ways to bring them up in us. Finance is an easy option! Economic matters can easily make us all feel afraid but it doesn't follow, just because we are sensitive, that we are actually looking at anything that we truly need to be afraid of. Remember that, please, in 2005 and remember too, that you need never be waiting for an auspicious date or a helpful alignment. With the right combination of determination, insight and confidence, you can take charge of your fortunes and make even the things which seem to be conspiring against you, work in your favour.

Remember, too, that somewhere in your world, the influence of the newly-discovered Planet Sedna is starting to make itself felt. Sedna is the planet of emotional intelligence and she is currently occupying the part of your chart that governs relationship. We have already discussed the encouraging changes that this could lead to in your love life. A business relationship though, could also prove vitally important in the coming year. Almost certainly it will be with someone you already know and have worked with in the past. You have made some good financial decisions jointly before now, but the relationship is not without its faults or stresslines. These need to be mended where possible and accepted where not. Your key to prosperity in 2005 is directly linked to your ability to share the 'driving' on a long journey towards a more comfortable future. If you're willing to work in close cooperation with an important individual, you really can get where you need to be. Trust the person you already trust. It's about that simple.
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Events this year, take you much further away from what has lately been been a source of great upset and concern. Tension will give way to comfort, insecurity to reassurance. In the process, though, it will be necessary to understand something very crucial about what relationships are and how they work.

Something very intriguing is happening in your chart. Sedna, the newly-discovered planet of emotional intelligence, seems to be declaring that this year, you are destined to make a real breakthrough in the area of 'human interaction' and to help make several people's lives much happier in the process.

To see how this can happen, think first about what sometimes makes us unhappy. We expect to be able to get on well with the people we are close to. Yet actually, we do not always even get on well with ourselves. We often feel torn between what we want and what we think we ought to want. We have to wrestle with divided loyalties or contradictory impulses and do our best to reconcile them. We do not always feel so sure that we have succeeded. So if we can't sort out our own inner dichotomies, what chance do we have of resolving the ones that arise between ourselves and our partners? Especially when we may have subconsciously selected those partners because of their ability to push us that little bit further towards resolving inner conflicts that we might otherwise avoid.

Your positive process of change in 2005 begins by discovering how to feel less like a victim of circumstances beyond your control and more like a mature, wise adult with the ability to bring love, respect, agreement and harmony into your life. It then takes you towards a moment of realisation as you understand why past difficulties have arisen and can thus relax because you can see how to make sure they don't recur.

This brings freedom from fear. This in turn fosters trust. And the more you trust, the more you'll find there is to trust, and the more love you'll find there is to experience.
Would you like to know more about the planets in 2005? Find out with a personal chart from Jonathan based on your date, time and place of birth - click here

You feel determined, as you now move into 2005, to cut out the compromises which are sapping your strength. You want to ensure that you reach for the objectives which make you feel proud of who you are and what you can do. This newly-redoubled determination has come about partly through a drama, partly through a discovery and partly, though you may not know it, through the influence of the newly-discovered planet at the outer edge of our solar system.

Sedna may be small and far away but as a Scorpio, ruled by distant Pluto, you already know full well that, in astrology, it isn't size that counts, it's intensity. Sedna is an exceedingly intense influence and her main impact on you so far has been to push you further than ever away from compromise, distraction and dilution. From her powerful position in the seventh house of your solar chart, she'll lead you even further during 2005, towards the moment when you finally fulfill a promise you made to yourself back in childhood. Even at an amazingly early age, a part of you deep within has always known where it is going - even when other voices have been inclined to doubt this.

This year, for you, is about trusting, even more, what the deepest, wisest part of your spirit is telling you. At the moment, it is telling you something about a project you can get involved with and a big positive shift that you can help to bring about. During the coming year, you'll learn more about how your contribution to a sensitive situation could make a world of difference. This may or may not benefit your career or make you any more financially better off. It may or may not fix any relationship problems or enable you to wave magic wands at tricky situations... but it won't half make you feel good. That will make an enormous difference to the way in which you approach all of life. Oh, by the way, Sedna will also have an interesting impact on your love life. I'll say more about that in Part Two.
Let Jonathan show you what 2005 has in store for you with a personal chart based on your date, time and place of birth - click here

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  Aries   Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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Artwork by Sally Fisher. All contents and artwork copyright 1994-2005. World rights reserved.