Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts

2005 Year Ahead predictions
PART FOUR - 7th January 2005 - FINAL UPDATE
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(Nov 23 - Dec 21)

Jupiter, the ruler of your sign, is the largest planet in the solar system. It emits a lot of energy and it absorbs it too, at times. Think, for example, about how comet Shoemaker Levy 9 went crashing right into it back in 1994. We can't be sure but it's easy to conjecture that this heavenly body could have eventually fallen into a collision course with earth had the heavenly giant not, instead, drawn it into its own gravitational field. There's certainly an echo of that tendency in your personality. You don't like to sit around doing nothing when you suspect that someone or something you care about is in danger. You dive in. You take action. You're not expecially interested to know whether the whole thing might have blown over harmlessly if you had only ignored it - or whether you made a crucial intervention. You're too busy weighing up the next potential problem and preparing, once more, to wade into the fray.

You are phenomenally generous, kind, giving, loving and understanding. That's why you so often stretch yourself too far and take on too much. In 2005, once again, you are sure to go through a phase during which you can't feel quite comfortable in a certain situation, but that's probably more because you are doing something very right than because you are doing anything wrong.

Between Jupiter's sharp angle to Saturn at the end of the year and the ongoing influence of the new planet, Sedna, you're due to make some amazing progress soon. Indeed, as the year goes by, with each breath, each step, each day, each minute, you're going to come closer to a time when you can really feel as if you are achieving all you ever came to this earth to achieve. If you've never been quite sure what that was, this is the year you find out... or at least discover a great deal more about it. And as you do, you should also find that you're still in plenty of time to fulfil that promise and do it in style with a real sense of triumph.
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Sedna, the newly-discovered planet at the edge of our solar system, is having a particular pull on the part of your chart that governs duty. There's our first clue as to how you can be sure of generating sufficient wealth in 2005. You can begin by forgetting all about your own needs. It's the needs of the people you care for that need to be given even more attention. Now I know that may seem strange. After all, you are famous for your desire to be a force for good... and infamous for allowing this noble sentiment to incur great expense. A part of you suspects you could live a much more economically efficient life if you were to curb this urge and simply feather your own nest. It may or may not be true but it can't be done. Nor, even if it could be done, would it be wise. It would cause you to compromise your own creativity and to stifle your own impulse to be bountiful and generous. These are essential qualities in all who seek prosperity consciousness. Don't repress them in 2005. Nurture them. If you put yourself in a position where you can do plenty of giving, you will find it also becomes possible to do plenty of receiving.

You may be wondering quite how you will be able to afford those gestures long enough to reap those rewards. Will you need to change your job? Are you going to have to cut out a big expense? Or are you going to wake up one morning in 2005 to find a little leprechaun, willing to grant your wishes? The answer is 'none of the above'. You'll just have to keep your eyes open for opportunities. They may arrive during ordinary working hours or at other times in other strange guises, but they will arrive. When they arrive, or even when they look as though they are about to, a little inner early warning system will alert you. Or, at least, it will, as long as you put your primary focus, not on the acquisition of wealth nor on the protection of assets, but simply on the desire to do the right thing for others. If you nurture your instinct to help others this year, your financial instincts will never let you down.
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Love, romance and relationship don't all go together quite as well as we might imagine. Romance, in particular, doesn't have that much to do with love or relationship... even when you happen to be a deeply romantic Sagittarian. You have wonderful visions that you want to reach for and fulfil. You love to imagine what might be achievable and then to reach for it. But in the process, you sometimes end up undervaluing and underestimating the importance of what has already been achieved.

To you, romance is about adventure, and adventure isn't always something that sits well within relationships. Interdependency can challenge the desire for independence. That, as you have discovered on several occasions lately, can produce problems.

You very much enjoy the opportunity to relate and to be close to somebody, yet that need to express yourself so spontaneously is a crucial part of who you are. So, you keep dreaming that one day someone will see exactly what it is that you need and that you in turn will be able to understand what they need and all those tense misunderstandings will just become a thing of the past.

Now, that's a romantic view if ever I heard one, but I'm not here to tell you that it can't be fulfilled. It can. But in order to fulfil it, you have to stop looking for the truly impossible and ask yourself how close you may have already come to just such an idyll? The newly-discovered planet Sedna, from her powerful position in the sixth house of your solar chart, now urges you to focus on something preoccupying, overwhelming and overpowering that, prior to now, you have been prone to see as a big obstacle to happiness. This thing is hypnotising you to some extent. Yet, actually, it needs to be taken less seriously. And the good within it needs to be acknowledged. Just remember that, each time an awkward issue arises in the coming year, and all the love you need will yet rather magically find its way to you.
Would you like to know more about the planets in 2005? Find out with a personal chart from Jonathan based on your date, time and place of birth - click here

In the story of Sedna, the ancient Inuit ocean goddess and the newly-discovered planet at the edge of our solar system, there's a tale of betrayal and deception, of loyalty and dedication and of learning to produce positivity, even from life's most severe hardship. Duty also enters into the story... just as it has entered your story in the year since that planet first turned up in the part of your chart that governs obligation to others.

Just look at your life at the moment. Consider the number of sacrifices you seem to be making and the amount you are putting up with, simply because you care so much about doing the right thing in a stressful situation. That situation won't vanish overnight in 2005, but it will become a lot less stressful... as you begin to grow a lot more powerful.

You already know that you have strengths in areas where a lot of people have weaknesses. You are aware, too, that some of this works in your favour and some works against you. You have even been known to wonder whether some of your greatest gifts might actually be punishments. But that is all perfectly natural. With power comes responsibility. With power, too, comes the potential for loss of power. That's why many powerful people try to avoid things they don't want to face or to operate only within areas where they feel safe. You though, can't ever live in fear of anyone or anything. So it is precisely because you are due to become so much more powerful in 2005 that you now need to go to the very extremes of your current power and discover where it turns to weakness.

Think of yourself as a great ruler, being taken to the edges of your empire and shown the encroaching threat from other forces so you can truly understand: 'here's what you should let go of, here's what you must protect and here's where you can advance.' In Part Two, we'll look at what your love life has in store. Meanwhile, if you feel apprehensive about 2005, that's as it should be. The year brings one of the biggest opportunities of your entire life!
Let Jonathan show you what 2005 has in store for you with a personal chart based on your date, time and place of birth - click here

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